587/607 Question...

by deaconbluez 129 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hillary_step


    What Furuli has published publicly is certainly up for public criticism but then if you have not bothered to check with the author about alleged errors first and you are no expert in this very technical field then you are simply giving your opinion which is just as useful as Joe Bblo's opinion.

    ....or even "Scholars" opinion, unless of course you are still adhering to the delusion that you are an expert on the matter - a fantasy which has been put to rest over the years by numerous posters to this Board.


  • Dagney

    In other words, put up or shut up.

    scholar JW


  • a Christian
    a Christian


    You wrote: This however is not the case with Carl Jonsson's expulsion as he made public the body of correspondence between himself and the Society over his treatise and one can see by reading the letters that Jonsson is not a man of integrity but was dishonest even from his very first letter.

    I read all of that correspondence and I saw in it no dishonesty on Jonsson's part. Unless you consider his referring to himself in the third person in his first letter to be dishonest. Obviously Jonsson did so because he wanted the Society to deal with the issues and questions he sent to them rather than have them focus on the person who raised the questions, which is of course what they ended up doing. The Society is the one that was dishonest. They continually promised to respond to all of the issues he raised and all of the questions he asked. And they never did. That's why I asked you to "explain their failure to communicate to Carl Olof Jonsson all of his supposed mistakes before publicly disfellowshipping him?"

    You wrote: Jonsson from that time had already spread his false ideas to others which eventually led to his expulsion.

    Of course he discussed his research with others. Who doesn't do so when doing such serious research? You should be ashamed to belong to an organization that forbids its members from freely discussing the scriptures with each other.

    You wrote: Jonsson on the face of the evidence was dealt with fairly in my opinion.

    I wonder what your opinion will be when your masters in Brooklyn someday disfellowship you for doing what you are doing now, discussing the scriptures with those who they call "apostates".

  • AnnOMaly
    What Furuli has published publicly is certainly up for public criticism but then if you have not bothered to check with the author about alleged errors first and you are no expert in this very technical field then you are simply giving your opinion which is just as useful as Joe Bblo's opinion.

    Neither is Furuli an 'expert in this very technical field'! He may have his doctorate in ANE languages, but archaeo-astronomy and chronology are 'very technical fields' in themselves, and as an amateur in these 'very technical fields' he doesn't seem to have tested his theories with the specialists.

    There are no doubt some typos but it is only your opinion that such errors go beyond typos. You are not a scholar, have not published anything in this field and do not know the Semitic languages. I could easily say that Furuli's data is accurate until proven otherwise by other experts.

    The interesting thing is that non-experts can easily dig and research (checking the experts' literature), and quickly see many inconsistencies and errors, finding out many of his claims don't hold water.

    Further, the Appendix is that of the planets and the stars and are not lunar data,

    Have you actually read this book yet? See subheading C6, p.311ff.

    further the data raises the issue as to whether these positions are observed or calculated so these provide the tabulations for calendrical months and years. In order, to falsify Furuli's data you woold need to produce your own research to see whether Furuli's conclusions are valid.

    It's been done already ... by the experts.

  • VM44

    Don't forget the evidence provided by the Egibi business tablets.


  • scholar

    a Christian

    Post 239

    That is correct it was his first letter whereupon he addresses himself in the third person which to me shows dishonesty. Why could he not be upfront and simply state the matter truthfully and simply share his personal research for comment. The subsequent correspondence shows that the Society was not something to fear but they were open and frank with Jonsson. These letters show more about Jonsson's motives and that the Society was kind and considerate asking him to be patient and to keep matters confidential.

    At every point the Society dealt with the matters but because they could not agree with him Jonsson proved to be stubborn and obstinate preferring the way of higher criticism rather than the Bible.

    There is nothing wrong with sharing his research with others but if it stirs up a controversy amongst the brothers then how can lead to unity. Jonsson must have known how controversial his chronology would be and was simply asked to keep the matter private. This he could not do as he thought that by lobbying the Society would pressure them to change their doctrine. this delusion failed and he was kicked out. I say, Good riddance!

    Remember one is only expelled from the Christian congregation if one is unrepentant.

    scholar JW

  • scholar


    Post 531

    Furuli admits to his expertise and a lack thereof in his very first volume wherein he states that he is not a professional archae-astronomer or historian but is highly skilled in dealing with the primary source documents. He invites criticism from experts as he freely admits that a non-expert is liable to err. So the challenge is there for all experts or non-experts to contact and raise matters with him. At this point let me remind you that you are not an expert in any of these fields and neither is Carl Jonsson.

    If you claim that Furuli's research has been refuted by the experts then supply this information as to their identity and publication. The book ha only been published for a few months and it takes considerable time for a Literature Review to be published in a journal. I suspect that your so-called experts are apostates and devotees of Jonsson whom in haste would conduct a piecemeal analysis passing this off a scholarly research.

    As I said before you make a lot of noise but not much sense. Put up or shut up!

    scholar JW

  • scholar

    Doug Mason

    Post 372

    My reply to your fictitious dialoque:

    You misconstrue the reading and meaning of Jeremiah 25:11-12. The parties to this prophecy include the land of Judah, the nations and the king of Babylon. The text simply states that Judah would become a desolate place during which it would be in servitude to Babylon along with the nations for a period of seventy years. After the fulfillment of that period Babylon also would receive its judgement as had Judah and the nations which was desolation. Simple. Nowhere does Jeremiah end the seventy years with the Fall or Destruction of Babylon in 539 BCE or some later date in history.

    Jeremiah 29:10 The phrase 'le +Babylon' can be properly rendered numerous ways because the Hebrew preposition has a wide semantic range. The NWT along with the KJV endorsed by your SDA colleagues says 'at Babylon' which fits the context better because it was in Babylon that the exiles were located and had to remain until the seventy years ended. The seventy years belonged to Judah alone and not to Babylon or the other nations because it was a punish for their sins against Jehovah as prescribed by the Law.

    You certainly do 'muddy the waters' by means of your 'two stream' model which purports to explain the nature and timing of the seventy years. You express the view that the seventy years amounts to Babylonish domination but you cannot determine precisely at what event or date should begin this historic period.You readily determine that the seventy years ended in 539 BCE but you refrain from giving an exact date for the beginning. Fuzziness abounds for all to see.

    Your exegesis of matters fails to understand what and how the prophecies of judgement by Jeremiah, his contemporaries and predecessors involved. Judah and Israel were respectively to be punished by being plundered by foreign powers with dedtruction of their cities and lands. With Juah as with Samaria long before had the its capital, land and temple brought to utter ruin. Historically, Judah suffered this fate completely in 607 BCE.

    In Daniel 9:2 Daniel certainly understood that the seventy years was not then yet fulfilled and were soon yet to be fulfilled. He understood two things about the seventy years: Its length was to be precisely seventy years and that it was a time of punishment of Judah for their sins as shown by his subsequent prayer of repentance climaxed by the angelic response by the prophecy of the seventy weeks of years.

    Daniel does refer to the 'devastations of Jerusalem' and he describes further that these 'devastations' amounted to desolation of the land, temple and city in verses 16-18. By themselves chorbah andshamen do not require total devastation or depopulation but such meanings are certainly possible and lie with their respective linguistic domains. What ensures the totality of meaning is not the words themeslves but other defining descriptions or metaphors used by Jeremiah such as 'without and inhabitant' etc.

    Desolation goes hand in hand with exile which also goes hand in hand with servitude. These events are the result of an invading army as all of history attests. Exile-Desolation-Servitude are all described by the prophets and historians of the Bible regarding that seventy years.

    When Jeremiah addressed his letter to the Exiles in Babylon as in chapter 25 the seventy years had not then commenced because it wasstill future as shown by the English future tense 'will' which no doubt is what the Hebrew text suggests. The land was not then desolated because the land was still populated being only partially invaded by Neb.

    There are many different translations of the Hebrew for 25:11 and such variations can put the emphasis where the interpreter seeks. The linguistics of this verse is variable. This means that this verse must not be understood in isolation but in the context of all other seventy year references. Furuli in his first voume page 83-84 lists three distinct translations of this verse.

    Being on the Aged Pension is certainly a financial handicap and that will be my experience in five years time. However, if you wish to debate these issues and research as well then you must have resources. This means either buying, borrowing or copying but that is the way it is and if you cannot be in this game then be content to be a observer.

    Josephus certainly attests to the fact in many places that the seventy years was a period of exile-servitude-desolation from the Fall to the Return. This is also confirmed by the quote wherein Josephus describes that at the fifty year mark of the seventy year period, the Temple lay in obscurity. The fifty years requires interpretation otherwise it contradicts the many other references to the seventy years. I believe that the Temple observation that it lay in obscurity for fifty years is very relevant and fits very well with what Josephus himself said regarding Judah, Jerusalem and its Temple.

    scholar JW

  • AnnOMaly


    Furuli admits to his expertise and a lack thereof in his very first volume wherein he states that he is not a professional archae-astronomer or historian but is highly skilled in dealing with the primary source documents. He invites criticism from experts as he freely admits that a non-expert is liable to err. So the challenge is there for all experts or non-experts to contact and raise matters with him. At this point let me remind you that you are not an expert in any of these fields and neither is Carl Jonsson.

    So nobody's an expert. OK. Therefore, all us non-experts, including Furuli, are (to quote you) "simply giving [our] opinion which is just as useful as Joe Bblo's opinion." Let's all go home now.

    If you claim that Furuli's research has been refuted by the experts then supply this information as to their identity and publication.

    Furuli is the one out on a limb here. The experts have already researched and agreed that the neo-Babylonian empire was a certain length, consisting of certain kings.

    The book ha only been published for a few months and it takes considerable time for a Literature Review to be published in a journal.

    True. And I look forward to reading any that are given. Of course, as you'll know, Prof. Grabbe's review wasn't very complimentary of his Vol.1.

    I suspect that your so-called experts are apostates and devotees of Jonsson whom in haste would conduct a piecemeal analysis passing this off a scholarly research.

    You mean ... the scholarly community are apostates and devotees of Jonsson?

    Humm. Meanwhile, back on planet Earth ...

    As I said before you make a lot of noise but not much sense. Put up or shut up!

    And as I said before, Furuli's book is now published and up for public scrutiny. Quit whining, go read the book, do some homework and tell me (and Alleymom) why our specific criticisms so far are invalid.

  • scholar


    Post 532

    I disagree for there are experts but even such ones are not infallible. Furuli is competent in the Semitic languages and has used this expertise to put the spotlight on secular chronology and now has published this new research. Open-minded people should read his research and if errors of whatever type are found or believed to be found then these should be communicated to the author.

    Experts believe that Babylonian chronology is infallible or correct but it disagrees with Bible chronology with at least a twenty gap between these two conflicting chronologies. Experts have made numerous assumptions about the interpretations of the astronomical data and this is what Furuli is examining by taking a fresh approach at the primary sources. Scholarship is advanced when serious scholars push the boundaries of knowledge by reexamining conventional theories and hypotheses.

    I have read Grabbe's review on Furuli's first volume which is short and unkind. It will be interesting to see what he thinks of the second volume. Furuli has received a complimentary from an American SDA scholar who reviewed his first volume. In contrast, Jonsson has not had a Literature Review published as yet to my knowledge even though his opinion has been published for twenty years. Hmmmm!

    My comment was not to say that the community of scholars are apostates but rather my comment was a response to your previous post whereby you claimed that there were scholars or experts who had already reviwed Furuli's second volume. Perhaps you meant his first not his second volume. If your contacts whoever they are have examined Furuli's second volume then you should be upfront and provide it. Methinks you bluff.

    scholar JW

    My last comment a

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