Study Finds Education Enhances Personal Conscience & Diminishes Obedience

by Scully 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scully

    I've been reading a fascinating book recently called The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, PhD. There are some really interesting things about how "Conscience" is what distinguishes 'normal' people from sociopaths, in that sociopaths have no conscience, no empathy, and in many cases can do whatever they want, with no emotional repurcussions that we might experience if we were to do something that caused harm to someone else.

    She cites the famous obedience experiments by Stan Milgram, where the subject was required to administer shocks to another person who was believed to be a co-subject in a "learning" experiment, but who was actually a confederate of Milgram's. The actual subject of the study was instructed to "teach" sets of words to the "learner"/confederate and administer shocks when the "learner" made an error, with the shock setting increasing incrementally with each error that was made. No matter how distressed the "learner" became with the shocks (no actual shocks were administered), the subject was instructed to continue the experiment. Fully two-thirds of the subjects completed the experiment up to the maximum shock levels of 450 volts.

    What was learned from this experiment is that, when in the presence of someone who was regarded as an authority figure (Dr. Milgram in his lab coat), the tendency to ignore one's conscience and obey orders was heightened. The subject "was just following orders" and assumed no responsibility for their own actions that were carried out at the behest of the authority figure.

    Milgram concluded from the study:

    A substantial proportion of people do what they are told to do, irrespective of the content of the act and without limitations of conscience, so long as they perceive that the command comes from a legitimate authority.

    The experiment was repeated many times over, with strikingly similar results, even between genders. Then she cites an anomaly (p. 64):

    In Milgram's initial study, one of the minority of people who eventually refused to continue with the experiment was a thirty-two year old engineer who apparently regarded the scientist in the lab coat as, at most, his intellectual peer. This subject pushed his chair away from the shock generator and in an indignant tone said to Milgram, "I'm an electrical engineer, and I have had shocks ... I think I've gone too far already, probably." In an interview later, when Milgram asked him who was accountable for shocking the man in the other room, he did not assign responsibility to the experimenter (Milgram). Instead, he replied, "I would put it on myself entirely." He was a professional person with an advanced education, and education must be acknowledged as one of the factors that determine whether or not conscience stays alert. It would be a grave and arrogant mistake to imagine that an academic degree directly increases the strength of conscience in the human psyche. On the other hand, education can sometimes level the perceived legitimacy of an authority figure, and thereby limit unquestioning obedience. With education and knowledge, the individual may be able to hold on to the perception of him- or herself as a legitimate authority.

    Similar findings are also noted in this study on Conscience and Authority:

    Although Milgram's findings are disturbing, more recent research has suggested that obedience to authority over conscience is not inevitable. Indeed, the research of Steven Sherman, also a psychologist, suggests that education can strengthen the power of conscience over authority. Sherman had a colleague contact several people by telephone, ostensibly to "poll" them on their opinions. The "pollster" asked them what they would do if they were ever ordered to perform a certain act that was morally or socially undesirable, and spent some time discussing the issues with them. Several weeks after the contact was made, these same people were actually asked to carry out that act. Surprisingly, two thirds refused to obey the order, a sharp contrast to to Milgram's finding that two thirds of those ordered to act against their conscience would normally obey.

    The implication of the Sherman experiment is that if people reflect on a moral issue before they are involved in it, they are more likely to behave in accordance with their consciences when that issue faces them in real life. Moral reflection and discussion of the kind found in the best types of moral education substantially enhance the ethical quality of a person's future choices.

    In light of this information, and with the knowledge that the WTS's theme for the District Convention this year is Godly Obedience which emphasized a very strong message discouraging higher education among JWs, it seems obvious to me that the WTS is very well aware of the risk of heightening of the ethical quality of choices that occurs when someone pursues higher education. They are also very well aware that those who pursue higher education will likely question the authority of the Faithful and Discreet Slaveā„¢ or even begin to dismiss that authority outright.

    I honestly thought that the WTS could do nothing that would surprise me. But the obvious knowledge that they have as to how to psychologically control and manipulate their followers, down to the details of stressing "obedience" over "education" and having those two issues as the central theme of a convention, is frankly quite amazing to me.

    The reason why the WTS hates education so much is because it diminishes their authority and it deprives the WTS of unquestioningly obedient followers.

  • frankiespeakin


    You said it sister! I agree 100%.

    I think the Governing Body's paranoid reaction is going to back fire big time. We might wind up a very busy board soon.

  • Midget-Sasquatch


    Excellent information! Shows clearly that they're agenda is really about maintaining a compliant slave labour force than helping others become more conscientious and ethical people. Thank You very much for sharing this info. I definitely enjoyed (and needed) it after having subjected myself to the programming today at Copps.

  • bother_forever

    I m sure there is a dept in the WT dedicated to the study of keeping the weak minds in check. If they are knowingly inducing fear tactics (and it seems they do know what they are doing) then the shocking teachings of "further education" and the like, are still further proof to us all that the "cult" mentality they continue to propergate must eventully become exposed. An intresting post.

  • Scully

    There is another thread going by Barb Anderson about this same book:

    Excerpts from new book-THE SOCIOPATH NEXT DOOR. Must read for XJWs

    One thing that I'm wondering regarding the WTS is whether the sociopathic tendencies that we can clearly identify in the WTS leadership become an integral part of R&F JWs, or whether R&F JWs are disturbed by the unconscionable demands of the leaders to shun people, to allow their children and spouses to die, to pit children against unbelieving parents and so on.

    Here is another stellar quote regarding how conscience is supposed to benefit people:

    A strong conscience insists, You must take care of him [or her or it or them], no matter what. Conscience propels us outward in the direction of other people, toward conscious action both minor and great. Conscience protects the privileges of intimacy, makes friends keep their promises, prevents the angered spouse from striking back.

    "Conscience propels us outward in the direction of other people." Think about that and contrast it to how the WTS has polluted that concept. When the WTS talks about "conscience", isn't their intent to propel JWs toward the WTS and its edicts, to do what the WTS wants them to do?

    When we think about the JW "conscience" and having to refuse a blood transfusion for an infant, for a child, or for a spouse, is the WTS encouraging JWs to propel themselves in the direction of other people and what is in their best interests? or toward the WTS's interests?

    When we think about the JW "conscience" and not saluting the flag or singing the national anthem, is the WTS encouraging JWs to propel themselves in the direction of other people? or toward WTS's interests?

    When we think about the JW "conscience" and their stance on child molestation that requires two eyewitnesses to back up a child's allegations against a JW, is the WTS encouraging JWs to propel themselves in the direction of other people, toward the best interests of children? or toward WTS's interests?

    This is another area where education takes its toll on the WTS: People who learn the skill of critical thinking develop the capacity to examine all possible outcomes of an action prior to making the decision to act. They learn to identify what is in the best interests of the parties involved and make an ethical choice that is the most beneficial to the most people. The WTS requires only one thing of its followers: OBEDIENCE, without any regard for the consequences of that obedience.

  • kwintestal

    It is really amazing how often the WTS reminds the 'other sheep' that they are intelectually and spiritually weaker then the 'faithful and discreet slave'. All this time I just thought they were just patting themselves on the back, but what they're really doing is tightening their grip on the 'subjects'.

    It's really sad that even the intelligent ones concider themselves inferior to these old men which I'm sure are uneducated themselves.


  • skyman

    Thanks for your post. I have been truly amazed by the thinking of the Borg. For Ex: After my Elder brother told me that I was correct but yet wrong I asked him to answer me the truth If he was told by the Society that this was the final test that he was to go home and kill his kids and then his wife by doing this the Society said he actually save his family would he do it? He said yes and at least they would have an r esurrection something I would not. I have asked this question to several brothers that have went through the black and white information about the UN deal and my blood letter that I have. When they have told me I am right need to wait on Jehovah I have asked them the say question two brother say yes, with out hesitation. I have been told by four Elders if the Society said that my left hand was my right then from that time on it was my right. The Borg scares me it shows me why the terrorist do the things they do. The Borg is no differrent! I promiss you, if they were asked to kill the apostates some of them would hunt us down and try to kill us.

  • diamondblue1974

    This sounds interesting...any ideas where I can obtain a copy.


  • greendawn

    I realised that back in the 1980's when they really over emphasised the anti education issue, what is interesting here is how someone can see manipulation in action they make a statement about something that they absolutely don't believe to be true and which is calculated to deceive and harm their members who could end spending a lifetime washing windows and grilling burgers at McDonalds instead of having good jobs, thinking they are pleasing God by such sacrifices. That's the classic move of a cult.

  • Scully


    You can order the book on Amazon:

    The Sociopath Next Door on

    The link should send you to the review page, and allow you to check out some excerpts.

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