What am I going to wear to the AGM?

by sherrie11 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sherrie11

    To the women out there that have been honoured with an invitation this is the question they ask themself.

    I am going to admit one of the reasons I enjoyed the meetings was getting to dress up. How many women out there found the meetings an excuse to dress up. How often did you shop or co ordinate outfits so you looked great every meeting. Please sisters share your experiences.


    I didnt know what designer clothes were before I joined the cult.

    I also didn't know that ones spirituality was rated to how one looked!

  • stillin

    Sherrie, I'm shocked that not another woman has commented on your post! One has to wonder why...

    I'm a guy and I have to admit that, though I prefer jeans, I also like having, and using, my shirts and ties. Never cared much for actual suits, but I'd wear one of course, if I was giving a Sunday talk. And I looked good in it!

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Here's one suggestion...

  • JakeM2012

    Stana Katic

    Photo: Black and White Style!xoxo

    Photo: BEBE dress...Sending smiles across the miles!How are you guys doing?LOVEDPhoto: Such a beautiful day in LA today.Enjoy your day as much as you can!LOVE,D

    Oh, just what ever you want to wear to the annual meeting dear. Remember, we were going out to Camerlo's for dinner!

  • jgnat

    Heck, I am going to give myself away.

    Barefoot Modiste

    Being a woman of generous proportion, I have the choice of being a wallflower or allowing the dress to really stand out. I support a local artist, Barefoot Modiste. Above is an example of her work.

  • FreeGirl2006

    I always dressed up with an artistic, rather than designer, flair. I was in a southern country congregation and Kmart was as designer as it got. We moved from up north and mom was quite the style maven plus a great seamstress so we dressed very nicely.

    Jgnat....love the style...thanks for the etsy link.

  • gma-tired2

    OF course what we wore was important . IT was a reason to celebrate even if itvwas only with a new dress. It became the only time we could ourselves first and do a small amount in our stange way of celebrating life.

  • rebel8

    The only reason this is a "thing" IMO is because jws have such boring lives, along with a dearth of special occasions and opportunities to meet eligible singles.

    I remember Special Assembly Days once every few yrs but I do not ever remember this AGM people are talking about. Is this something new?

  • notjustyet

    It's gonna the the JW Easter equivilant in the near future.

    When Memorial would roll around and all the JWs, (sisters mostly) would have on the new dresses and some hats etc, I was like "Get real people, you know your trying to do the JW Easter here, WTF" I did not say that outloud though.


  • joyfulfader

    I pushed the limits in dress but pulled it off because i didnt show cleavage or wear anything too short but i would often wear a dress like the 4th one down in JakeM's post. with my 5 inch platform maryjanes...i felt good ;)

    Guaranteed this Annual meeting caused some shopping trips amongst the ladies!

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