Calling all PAGANS....

by VampireDCLXV 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VampireDCLXV

    Since I don't know what to believe about "God" right now, I'm wondering what a pagan's take on all this is. Consider this a roll call for any and all pagan types out here. Whether you consider yourself pagan, neo-pagan, poly-theist, wiccan or whatevs, I'd like to hear from ya. What God/Gods do you worship or believe in? What philosophies do you adhere to? I'd sincerely like to know. Links and recommended reading are also welcome.

    I'd appreciate it if Christian and Atheist types alike would refrain from posting here. I know I'm powerless to stop you but please... Plenty of attention has been paid to your points of view already.


  • ziddina

    Neo-PolyTheist, Man, NEO-PolyTheist!!!

    Anyhoo, I'm probably not quite in the right place here, 'cause I'm basically atheist, BUT!!!

    I also practice Goddess worship because my female psyche was so damaged by the misogynistic attitudes of the Watchtower Society, I find it very healing to worship the Feminine Divine...

    Besides, Goddess-worship is probably the OLDEST form of worship - of human forms, that is - on the planet... One can look up the "Acheulean Goddess", otherwise known as the Berekhat Ram figurine, which is a feminine figure that is AT LEAST 232,000 - that's TWO HUNDRED THIRTY TWO THOUSAND YEARS old... And it may be as old as 800,000 years - close to a MILLION years old!! (rats! I thought I had a reference to an even older Feminine figurine, but that one - the "Berekhat Ram" figurine, found [ironically] in Israel, is the oldest one discovered, so far...)

    Once I learned how 'young' the 'god' of the bible was - only around 3,500 years, which is the age of the oldest remnant of bible writings found so far - I realized that, IF there were a "supreme" being over this planet, it SURE AS HELL wouldn't be the YOUNGEST "deity" to come down the pike...

    Nooooooo.... Therefore, I consder Christians to be badly misguided and WOEFULLY ignorant of the extremely recent age of their 'god' - 'gods', actually... And also TOTALLY ignorant about the process by which a Jewish, PLAGIARIZED version of older, PolyTheist religions became the dominant EUROPEAN religion - primarily at the POINT OF ROMAN SWORDS, which MOST Christians of European descent are NOT aware of.

    Now I'm off to find the websites discussing the Berekhat Ram figurine, and others....


  • ziddina

    Here are some of the websites and pdf files... This is a fascinating site; I haven't had time to read all of the pdf files he has posted... I've observed that religion itself evolved; hopefully this man provides empirical data to that effect...

    Here are several sites discussing the "Venus" of Berekhat Ram...;jsessionid=A6C649A54F9882F6E8E99426FCE92903.tomcat1?fromPage=online&aid=76619 This is a scientific study done on the "Venus" of Berekhat Ram to determine whether it occurred naturally, or whether it was deliberately modified by Homo Erectus of the Acheulean culture...

    This site discusses the"Tan-Tan Venus" in much more detail, in addition to the Berekhat Ram figurine...

    Happy reading!!


  • ziddina

    There's also a very nice Pagan (whose toes I trod far too heavily upon - whoopsies!!! ) by the name of free2beme

    He/she doesn't show up very often, but maybe you'd like to PM him/her??


  • darthfader

    Great links Zid... (bookmarked)

  • ziddina

    My pleasure, DarthFader!! Glad to be of service!!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I haven't seen Sirona for 6 months. You could try a pm

  • Libelle

    Too busy right now to post, but when I have time, I will come by.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I wonder whether these ancient figurines of female "goddesses" weren't just their era's form of porn, as opposed to formalized religion. I also wonder whether spanking it to a sexy female statue and "worship" were considered one and the same at the time. Not to take this thread down a licentious path, but it seems that a lot of the ancient religions were sex-oriented. That's part of the reason why The Borg hates them so much; they hate sexual pleasure.

  • freeflyingfaerie

    this is why I need internet on my phone..this subject is interesting, i'll be back

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