Calling all PAGANS....

by VampireDCLXV 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • free2beme

    Interesting that you say 'calling', as you kind of feel a Pagan call when other religions do not make the right sense to you inside your being. Like you feel there is something missing, or perhaps it is too controling in areas that should be open. Anyway, I consider myself Pagan/Wiccan and yet you should know ... the common thread and rituals of common stream religions, is not the same with Wiccans. You have covens, but most practice on a single personal level and individually. I have had experience in the past, with former Witness boards (been on boards like this, on and off, for about a decade). Never seem to end well, but I will still bring up things from time to time. Wicca is simailar to native american beliefs, about nature, energy, and balance. There is witchcraft, there is spells and charms. Above all, there is responsiblity for your actions. While I consider myself Wiccan, it is not the only yard I play in. I am always willing to listen and open minded to a calm, not angry communication. I am not angry, so why should I have the dumped on me by those scared of or against my beliefs. Hope that all made sense.

    I am not on here a lot, so I apologize in advance for what would probably be a slow response time.

  • Libelle

    There are others who promised to post as well...


    Yeah, I do owe a response, too.

    For me, I've got a different idea/concept of the Divine. I was raised Catholic, left, called myself Nature-based spiritual for a while, then discovered Paganism, was Dianic a while, and then back to generic Pagan. I sometimes refer to myself as a Choose Your Own Adventure Pagan, but would be better called Bioregional Pantheist. Just for a little background. Give me five years, that may change, haha!

    I believe that if you look down into many religions, you will find a common theme - something along the lines of seeing and treating others as you would be treated and that god is love. I truly feel these two are the essence of religion and the nature of The Divine. Since love (or potential to love) is in all of us, so the Divine is in all of us. The Divine is both within us and without (that would be to say within animals, trees, nature, etc). in many ways we are all mini "god/desses" (but not in the sort of I can turn you into a spider, way). But the Divine is also the sum of all of us (people, mountains, trees, etc) and more.

    That's about the best synopsis I can give on my beliefs on the nature of the Divine - heh or the Divine of nature. :)

  • AwSnap


  • cameo-d

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