The Calendar of Jehovah God - WT jettisons Gregorian calendar!

by Dogpatch 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dogpatch

    The Calendar of Jehovah God

    1935 saw the brief attempt by Jehovah's Witnesses to jettison the Gregorian Calendar and substitute a new one which the Golden Age magazine called "the Calendar of Jehovah God."

    The 1935 Yearbook published an advance copy of the new Calendar and it was mentioned in the March 1, 1935 Watchtower. The series appeared in 3 Golden Age issues in March and April. Apparently, Rutherford's support waned and a warning article on the calendar appeared in the May 1, 1935 Watchtower. Apparently, there are no further references to the new calendar in later publications. It has never been discussed in modern JW history books. All the complete documents about the new calendar can be found here: (warning: about 80 megs download)'s%20Calendar.pdf The file includes the YB and Watchtower scans as well as the complete text of the calendar articles from the 3 issues of Golden Age magazine.

    by Dave Brown

    Net Soup!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The timing for this goofiness is interesting at least - 1935. They must have figured that with the 'annointed' all sealed up and ready to go to heaven, it was about time to bring out the goodies that would be needed for moving into the NEW WORLD.

    THey might'a packed a little early.


  • M.J.

    Man oh man...someone put a great deal of time into this. Very interesting.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff




    0 HAVE a correct system of reckoning time is

    desirable. It

    is well known that the calendars

    heretofore used have been incorrect and

    un satisfactory.

    For this reason Tke

    Golden Age published

    facts concerning a system of reckoning time, obtaining

    the important data from the Scriptures, and


    from astronomy. Seeing there is a_ danger of


    importance to this and to the exclusion of

    weightier matters, this note of warning is here

    sounded. God's people should

    keep in mind the

    "pyramid" delqsion and the speculations that accompanied

    the study of chronology, and the pitfalls

    into which these things led many. Do not fall into

    a similar trap. It is of far more importance to understand

    our commission and to perform it than to

    understand at just what time Adam was created. Be

    reasonable and moderate. Avoid wild speculation as

    to at what time and in what manner things future will

    come to pass. Be sure that you always are guided by

    the counsel of the Lord's Word. The statements in


    Golden Age are not dogmatic, but are worthy of

    due and careful consideration.

    I found this to be quiet interesting, after spending, what 60 detailed pages of explaining why this new calender was needed, to add this little disclaimer in a separate magazine.

  • Nosferatu

    I love that calendar.

    Too bad the image isn't appearing, I'm guessing bandwidth was exceeded.

  • Leolaia

    Here is a discussion thread for the calendar:

  • mcsemike

    This is just too funny. Now Satan makes false calendars? The WT doesn't know the time of day, yet they made a calendar? I guess they should have kept it and could have made up fakes dates about Armageddon on their new calendar.

    I guess I better check my wrist watch. Satan probably made that too.

    They should have preserved Rutherford's brain in a jar like in the movie "Frankenstein". It could go on the shelf next to the brain marked "Abnormal". The two brains seem to be interchangeable.

    We better watch our children's schoolwork for now on. It might be dangerous to let them use a satanic ruler or calculator. And computers were probably designed by Satan himself. I actually read an article years ago that said Satan was behind many, if not most, modern inventions so he could steal time from good JW's. I guess Bethel has to get rid of many things. They could have a yard sale. No, that's out. They warned that yard sales are dangerous since you might buy a demonic item.

  • Dogpatch

    Thanks Leolaia, I did not see it before.

    How can you search for topics on this board? I tried the search button and it didn't work.


  • Woodsman

    Nice file, glad to add it to the collection.

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