Are there any more insights on these issues on this forum??
JoinedPosts by Duvduv
JW Refutations of Criticism of Russell and Rutherford
by Duvduv incan someone direct me to jw refutations of the harsh criticisms of charles russell and judge rutherford that are on the internet and youtube?
i am a fair person and insist on hearing both sides to a controversy.
in this case, i would like to know what traditional yw responds to such personal criticisms and alleged changes in beliefs.
JW Refutations of Criticism of Russell and Rutherford
by Duvduv incan someone direct me to jw refutations of the harsh criticisms of charles russell and judge rutherford that are on the internet and youtube?
i am a fair person and insist on hearing both sides to a controversy.
in this case, i would like to know what traditional yw responds to such personal criticisms and alleged changes in beliefs.
Hello, reslight2 and others. I would like to continue this thread. Thanks.
JW Refutations of Criticism of Russell and Rutherford
by Duvduv incan someone direct me to jw refutations of the harsh criticisms of charles russell and judge rutherford that are on the internet and youtube?
i am a fair person and insist on hearing both sides to a controversy.
in this case, i would like to know what traditional yw responds to such personal criticisms and alleged changes in beliefs.
In terms of classification as a cult perhaps by virtue of seeking to keep the followers within the fold, it doesn't seem that the JW are more in that situation than other groups. And of course the JW have features that resemble the Catholic Church as well (central ideological control).
Other aspects such as secrecy seemed to be more prevalent among the Mormons who have secret rituals and who don't even reveal financial records for tithing to their members. Perhaps a better description of JW is "eccentric." That seems to me to be more appropriate. Perhaps even "very eccentric." It seems to me it would be awfully difficult to describe a sect composed of millions of people worldwide as a cult which corresponds to Branch Davidians or some Far Eastern neo-Hindu sect.
JW Refutations of Criticism of Russell and Rutherford
by Duvduv incan someone direct me to jw refutations of the harsh criticisms of charles russell and judge rutherford that are on the internet and youtube?
i am a fair person and insist on hearing both sides to a controversy.
in this case, i would like to know what traditional yw responds to such personal criticisms and alleged changes in beliefs.
Hello, reslight2. This is now getting quite interesting. For the sake of clarification, do you have a chart or description of the development of the JW separate from Russell, and the phases it has gone through to the present, especially in terms of changing beliefs and doctrines starting with those inherited from Russell?
It seems that one of the key aspects is the JW manages to operate like a Communist or Maoist party, with its Central Committee or Politburo, engulfing the entire life of millions of people worldwide mainly through the communications medium of the arm of the Watchtower Society, and which now has to separate sources of leadership - the administrative arm (Governing Board) and the ideological arm (Watchtower Society) that work hand in hand almost miraculously able to keep all these people in line, despite the internet and other sources of information.
How do you think this is similar or different from the operations of the LDS Church?
For that matter, the extent to which the Watchtower Society is deemed to be God's organization makes it similar to the Vatican's role. And the exclusivity of its role for salvation isn't any different than the similar claims of the Catholic Church that salvation is with the Church. So how do JW differ from Catholics? Because of this or that doctrine or change? The Catholics also made changes with Vatican II etc. It seems that the focus is mainly in the area of shunning and coercion, which does not formally exist in Catholicism or even the LDS as far as I know. Your thoughts on all these matters will be most interesting. I did notice that in Awake! of March 1993 it emphasized that the WTS was not "infallible," and that even JW have made mistakes in predictions.
JW Refutations of Criticism of Russell and Rutherford
by Duvduv incan someone direct me to jw refutations of the harsh criticisms of charles russell and judge rutherford that are on the internet and youtube?
i am a fair person and insist on hearing both sides to a controversy.
in this case, i would like to know what traditional yw responds to such personal criticisms and alleged changes in beliefs.
Right now I'm trying to get my understanding around the idea that the central Committee or "Politburo" was able to maintain control over access to information until the present. How has that been accomplished, even if one says that the JWs of the last 40 years or so aren't interested in the "complications" and controversies of earlier years?
And of course the extent of constant adherence to the teachings and beliefs with some kind of "disfellowshipping" hanging over their head? Does the JW Governing Body now work essentially like a Politburo of the Soviet or Maoist times? And what difference has it made that the leadership of the Watchtower and that of the Governing body were separated and divided between a handful of individuals?
JW Refutations of Criticism of Russell and Rutherford
by Duvduv incan someone direct me to jw refutations of the harsh criticisms of charles russell and judge rutherford that are on the internet and youtube?
i am a fair person and insist on hearing both sides to a controversy.
in this case, i would like to know what traditional yw responds to such personal criticisms and alleged changes in beliefs.
How is it possible that so many millions of people can adhere to this and live even professional lives but agree to restrict their access to information to this extent as authorized simply by what, eleven men in New York??
At what point in history did this level of control begin? How do they control internet use??
JW Refutations of Criticism of Russell and Rutherford
by Duvduv incan someone direct me to jw refutations of the harsh criticisms of charles russell and judge rutherford that are on the internet and youtube?
i am a fair person and insist on hearing both sides to a controversy.
in this case, i would like to know what traditional yw responds to such personal criticisms and alleged changes in beliefs.
What exactly do they mean that the Second Coming was "spiritualized"? What does that mean in relation to all the special predictions of the leadership?
Is their belief about 1914 similar to that of the Seventh Day Adventists sanctuary theory?
JW Refutations of Criticism of Russell and Rutherford
by Duvduv incan someone direct me to jw refutations of the harsh criticisms of charles russell and judge rutherford that are on the internet and youtube?
i am a fair person and insist on hearing both sides to a controversy.
in this case, i would like to know what traditional yw responds to such personal criticisms and alleged changes in beliefs.
How did the separation of the governing body from the board of the Watchtower affect anything in their movement? I noticed that there are no email contacts for the website and that all pages dealing with anything JW, including any Kingdom Hall and the Watchtower Society connects to the website.
JW Refutations of Criticism of Russell and Rutherford
by Duvduv incan someone direct me to jw refutations of the harsh criticisms of charles russell and judge rutherford that are on the internet and youtube?
i am a fair person and insist on hearing both sides to a controversy.
in this case, i would like to know what traditional yw responds to such personal criticisms and alleged changes in beliefs.
Why are Jehovah's Witnesses considered to have a more authoritarian misleading religion and face more hostility in the media and some governments than does the authoritarian Catholic Church or the Amish who practice shunning of backsliders?
JW Refutations of Criticism of Russell and Rutherford
by Duvduv incan someone direct me to jw refutations of the harsh criticisms of charles russell and judge rutherford that are on the internet and youtube?
i am a fair person and insist on hearing both sides to a controversy.
in this case, i would like to know what traditional yw responds to such personal criticisms and alleged changes in beliefs.
What do you mean "the light gets brighter"? That all the changes and failed prophecies were some kind of progressive revelation? How did Rutherford react to the failure of ,1914? How did Franz react to the failure of 1975?? That God was playing tricks? Why can't they become more liberal about blood transfusion?!