unstoppableravens-- i showed you in the second post in this thread my belief-- it will never change. saying 3 lines of prayer doesnt make one born again--turning ones worldly life into a righteous life does.
Posts by kjw53
kjw53 i am offering you a challange!
by unstopableravens ini want to have an open and honest discussion out in the open between just you and me, about if being born agian is only of the 144,000 or is it a must for all to live forever on earth.
neither of us can avoid questions and must answer the other question before ,the other can ask another question.
no going off topic and only talk about this.
kjw53 i am offering you a challange!
by unstopableravens ini want to have an open and honest discussion out in the open between just you and me, about if being born agian is only of the 144,000 or is it a must for all to live forever on earth.
neither of us can avoid questions and must answer the other question before ,the other can ask another question.
no going off topic and only talk about this.
jookbeard--- i expect bad men to get in-- it started back in Peters day--teachers got in and were teaching that fornication was acceptable--satan doesnt give up trying to stop truths. he gets to some men--like Solomon became a false god worshipper--an apostle Judas sold Gods son out for 30 pieces of silver. It didnt make Gods true religion wrong.
kjw53 i am offering you a challange!
by unstopableravens ini want to have an open and honest discussion out in the open between just you and me, about if being born agian is only of the 144,000 or is it a must for all to live forever on earth.
neither of us can avoid questions and must answer the other question before ,the other can ask another question.
no going off topic and only talk about this.
finklestein-- well i guess you must have read Gods word and can understand it right??? Then please explain to us who or what is the 7 headed beast and the two horned beast of revelation?
kjw53 i am offering you a challange!
by unstopableravens ini want to have an open and honest discussion out in the open between just you and me, about if being born agian is only of the 144,000 or is it a must for all to live forever on earth.
neither of us can avoid questions and must answer the other question before ,the other can ask another question.
no going off topic and only talk about this.
jookbeard--here is reality for you--- pedophiles go to places they can get at children--every religion has those predators in them as do schools,bus drivers,boy-girl scouts--wherever children are. Not one can read their true hearts or motives--they even make it into higher up positions to gain trust--- I have seen cases of this in congregation--- the parents are told by the elders to go to the police and press charges--that is standard policy--it is totally unacceptable in the JW organization. now there is a possibility that in certain weak congregations that it slid by, but i never have seen that. Or seen any proof of it, and i surely would never take the word of an apostate, i have seen many of their words and they were full of lies.
kjw53 i am offering you a challange!
by unstopableravens ini want to have an open and honest discussion out in the open between just you and me, about if being born agian is only of the 144,000 or is it a must for all to live forever on earth.
neither of us can avoid questions and must answer the other question before ,the other can ask another question.
no going off topic and only talk about this.
unstoppableravens--- much of Gods written word was hidden from mankinds eyes for a reason until these last days--so that the fds and no one else could have truths revealed through them exclusively-- otherwise all through mankinds history, man could have studied Gods word and knew those truths, but it is clear at Daniel 12:4--they could not see the truths God hid just by reading the bible. Only through Jesus's appointed teachers would these truths be revealed at the proper time and become abundant in the last days( now). And until it was the proper time errors in teachings would occur thus changes had to be made--so this is fact--in the end whoever made the corrections from errors to truths, will be right in the end. And with the abundance of ridiculing hearts towards religions and teachings--all would see the changes.
kjw53 i am offering you a challange!
by unstopableravens ini want to have an open and honest discussion out in the open between just you and me, about if being born agian is only of the 144,000 or is it a must for all to live forever on earth.
neither of us can avoid questions and must answer the other question before ,the other can ask another question.
no going off topic and only talk about this.
jookbeard--- and you saw all this with your own eyes right to make these accusations? The fds does not harbour pedophiles or rapists--that is a lie. And how is it since you couldnt possibly rate more than a belonging that you know more than the fds? Who appointed you?
kjw53 i am offering you a challange!
by unstopableravens ini want to have an open and honest discussion out in the open between just you and me, about if being born agian is only of the 144,000 or is it a must for all to live forever on earth.
neither of us can avoid questions and must answer the other question before ,the other can ask another question.
no going off topic and only talk about this.
unstoppableravens--- i do not know that much concerning this matter, but i would surely believe the fds over what your reasoning is. And in a sense a Jw does change their lives around so that persay they are bornagain in a sense. A JW strips off the old personality( worldly) and trys to live a righteous life with their whole heart,soul, mind,strength. Isnt that the idea of becoming born again?
Is this a new low?
by Darth Eowyn injust had a couple of jws stop by my house.
they had been before several times and know that i'm a pretty devout catholic, so i'm sure they were just swinging by to get more time for the card.. well, this time the opening line was about the tragedy in ct. i mean, really?
you're going to try to get converts by capitalizing on this tragedy?
It would be quite impossible to get lower than the works of the trinity religions for the last 1750 years or so. Millions upon millions slaughtered( wars of hatred) the rev war, the crusades, the inquisition, the civil war, ww1,ww2) where the supposed brothers in Christ murdered each other on the orders of corrupt men and all of those family lines cut off as well, the bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens.
Is this a new low?
by Darth Eowyn injust had a couple of jws stop by my house.
they had been before several times and know that i'm a pretty devout catholic, so i'm sure they were just swinging by to get more time for the card.. well, this time the opening line was about the tragedy in ct. i mean, really?
you're going to try to get converts by capitalizing on this tragedy?
blondie-- There is much joy in--the good news of Gods kingdom-- for the true followers--- A earth filled with righteous people, having love and respect for each one as a human family. living at a young age forever. perfect harmony-- no mourning,outcry,or pain, no sickness,disease,or even death. no more satan influence, Gods kingdom in total control. Gods true plan for mankind as taught by Jesus--Happy( blessed) are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
I was the weird kid in the class....
by punkofnice in.......because i was raised a jw and not allowed to do anything like birthday parties and the like.. i was ridiculed because i was dragged around on the 'ministry'(tm) and my class mates saw and laughed.. i wasn't allowed to go into school morning assembly even though it wasn't religious...just in case.....so i used to get beat up in the cloak room.. i tried to fit in but had too many guilt trips.. i now loathe the god concept and the gb!.
punkofnice---- in Jesus day the true followers and their children were cheered and jeered and thrown to the lions and murdered as a public spectacle. Proving that satan is the ruler of this world( system of things) as Jesus taught. The followers in Jesus day stood strong and beat satan.
I also had a hard time in school standing up for Jehovah and turned to smoking to try and fit in, but thank God i came to my senses in time and turned back from trying to fit in with wickedness.
There are two choices in this world--be no part of it like Jesus taught his followers would be hated for-- or join in to fit in.