Hi JB Its a catch-22 for sure...the JWs will be the first ones to say to you that scripture that says "if they go out from us then they were never part of us" (badly paraphrased)so how can someone who leaves ever have been an actual member if leaving disavows their membership to begin with? I wonder how they register all of this and still sleep at night. If you were baptized as I was on June 1, 1985, your questions were totally different than the ones even the prior weekend to that...constantly changing to suit the legalities of the Society. Mine included vowing allegiance to the Society and sorta left out the Father Son and Holy Smokes, Batman, all together. I, too was baptized because my "friends" said they could no longer associate with me if I didnt. At age 30 freshly divorced and having been successfully ripped away from all friends and family members outside the org, I was terrified I would be alone again...so I did it. Now as an apostate, I am accused of never having BEEN a JW by the very elder and his wife who studied with me, did my baptismal talk, my marriage talk and whom I named my kids after. NEVER WAS ONE?? So why are they treating me like horse pucky? Either I WAS and now am NOT or NEVER WAS and now CONTINUE TO NOT BE a JW.
They make up the rules as they go along JB...and the guy with the ball is makin up the game. They can disfellowship you on the grounds of "appearance of improprieties" or "behavior not befitting a Christian" on little or no evidence of said impropriety...and apparently they can say you WERE baptized just because you appeared to go through the process using the same cockameemie set of rules.
The rank and file are more afraid of being rejected by Brooklyn's Billionaire Boys Club than they are of losing their own family members. I see it every day when I see my husband shunning his own mother whom I KNOW he loves dearly.
They are WACKED. At least you have your integrity hon. They dont know the meaning of the word.
"My task is to bear witness to the truth. For this was I born for this I came into the world, and ALL who are not deaf to truth listen to my voice" - Jesus before Pilate, John 18:37