Yes i totally agree with this statement, because it's happened to me, and i'm sure a lot of other ppl aswell. I deceided to leave the organisation and have been shunned ever since i did, by all my family and former friends. Being brought up a witness it is expected of you by a certain age to be baptised. My father (an elder) always used to say that ones that have reached 18 and havn't made a decision are "bad association" even if they were active in the congregation. So being brought up with that in my ear and being the son of an elder i just thought that it was expected of me? While i was leaving i did ask a lot of the younger ones that had been baptised why they got baptised, and the main response i got was because it was expected of them... funny that hey. No wonder we all got baptised, it was either that or lose your family. Ironically the later has happended now anyway. I still don't know how they still say that they have "unconditional love" when there are SO many conditions attached to it?
JoinedPosts by Geko_man
JW children - conditionally loved?
by Gregor inwhen they reach a certain age they are expected to "sign up" (get baptized).
in many cases if they choose not to their parents essentially "disfellowship" them.
so a lot of children get baptized under pressure from the parents and when they fail to live the jw life and get df'd the folks are the harshest shunners.
How did you dispose of your JW books? (Or did you?)
by exwitless inlittle drummer boy and i have a small house and we do not have room for the wasted space all of these books are creating.
here's a brief rundown of what we have:.
several nwt hardcover bibles, chinese bibles (lots of chinese students in our town), insight on the scriptures, concordances, a few bound volumes, song books, km books, reasoning books, the entire bible on audio tape, and more.
I totally recomend burning them, it's really satisfying to watch them fade away and dissapear =) Although some watchtowers and awakes were a bit scary, because if they burned as a flat page you could still read the text afterwards! I made sure to stoke them into the fire though. Oh and like others have said the colours that come out are great too!
Happy burning everyone (or any other way of disposal)
KM Insert "How Do I View Blood Fractions..." Complete Scan and PDF
by V indownload pdf here (all four pages).
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G'day there Under_believer, i think you're reading into my questions too much... I'm not defending or agreeing with anyparticular point of view here, i was just copying what the Borg says, and trying to find how their resoning allows them to partake in blood fractions. Then when you stated that you dont believe that the bible doesn't allow one to take blood transfusions, i just gave you a scripture straight out of an article? I wasn't meaning to anger you or get you to ask me to stone someone? Nice visual there...
Thank-you jgnat for bringing out those points, quite thought provoking. I was thinking along similar lines while i was a JW.
KM Insert "How Do I View Blood Fractions..." Complete Scan and PDF
by V indownload pdf here (all four pages).
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That's fair enough, just wondering how you got to that conclusion, from looking at scriptures such as Lev 17:14, where it states "Y OU must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood. Anyone eating it will be cut off." It seems that it was pretty solid on no blood at all?
KM Insert "How Do I View Blood Fractions..." Complete Scan and PDF
by V indownload pdf here (all four pages).
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Just wondering, now that most people here are out fo the JW org, how do you view what the bible says on this matter of blood, like will you know accept a blood transfusion? or just fractions of blood, like a JW would? Or are you following the Bible to the word and not accept any blood/fractions (any part of the blood) at all?
The blood issue really got me as a kid, cause i remember watching a documentory on tv about snake antivenom and how some of the were made by basically using a cow to process the venom then extract blood from the cow to make the antivenom. They stated that since it's gone throught the cows blood system it still contains fractions of the cows blood. So as a kid i automatically thought right, no snake antivenom is allowed cause it's got fractions of blood in it? According to the JW org tho, you can take the antivenom? And all those other fractions that they reckon is alright cause the bible doesn't mention about the fractions...? Man the bible doesn't state the rules on a lot of things and yet they will still find reasons to dissfellowship people for those...
The reasons why the JW Org change doctrine over time and gradually? You stick a frog in a pot of boiling water and it'll just straight back out again, but you stick a frog in cool water and slowly bring it to the boil... you get the picture. So many people are going to stay with this religion because of that, i just hope they slip up and turn on the heat too fast and people realise and jump out of the saucepan before they're cooked!
The end times and big announcements
by restrangled infor anyone of us familiar with this religion.....we were taught no one knows the day or the hour.
now should that be a 7000 year day, 1000 year day or 24 hour day, and any predictions concerning this or assuming knowledge of any sort would be exposing them selves as false prophets.. the wbts likely to whip up a frenzy of one sort or another due to clever rhetoric is typical, but all of us "out" know better.
it usually happens in the fall, ......just like this year.. no one here needs to hold their breath.
I agree with Restrangled, the bible clearly states that The Big A will come like a thief in the night, and that no one knows the time or the hour.... As far as i'm concered this would include the guys in bethel pulling the strings. They're not told in advanced when it's going to happen, and yet they keep feeding the masses and incinuating that they have the knowledge and the Big A is right around the corner, but never giving specifics... The only way i can look at JW org now is basically as a damn good con-artist, and the one thing that always happens in the end with a good con-artist, whoever gets sucked into their sham always ends up worse off, usually losing everything that they've worked so hard for only to find out it was all a waste of time... I've cut my losses and got out, hope others can see through the smoke and mirrors too.
I came home to find my wife crying over THAT article.
by jambon1 ini came home today to find my wife crying whilst reading the 'when a loved one leaves jehovah' article.
its been a good few months now and i can appreciate how she feels.
but it just irritates me how my disagreeing with this religion has such a catastrophic effect on our everyday lives.
Well i've only been out for bout 7 months now and seen my parents only two times, first a couple of weeks after it all happened, and then just again i saw my father after he emailed me saying he wanted to see me... I questioned weather it was because he wanted to see his son or another purpose (insinuating trying to get me to come back to the organisation). We had lunch and it was going along nicely and then the true motive came out, being that he wanted to give me that magazine on disfellowshipped ones, i figured as much and took it anyways... All in all just a nice artical on how shunning a family member/ a disfellowedshiped person is benificial, and that this is the only way that they're going to come back.
Yeh whatever if they reckon that by shunning ppl they're going to want to come back into the 'loving' organisation after that experience? It's a different view from this side of things thats for sure.
I didnt' particualy care that's why my father wanted to see me, i was just happy to see him again, and that he didn't jus send it in the mail or somthing impersonal like that. Doesn't change my non-willingness to go back tho, the organisational tiger can't change it's stripes