Oh brother! I have to Laugh .... Especially after reading the Org and all . Ya know what Minnesota Cops at the FIRST said to me?? Said That I BELONGED with PRINCE CAUSE I was CRAZY TOO.... And they thought I was a Freak and all cause I Shopped and Dressed Weird and Partied Every Night at LOCAL CLUBS.... I LOVED MINNIEWOOD but I just wasn't FEELING COMPLETELY SECURE Cause well They didn't Show as MUCH ENTHUSIASM over SEXY 1 as I did.... Guess , I was 10 years or maybe 20 too Late and it was MY TIME, but I wanted it all PRINCE CAUSE 2 me he is THE MAN OF EVERYTHING.... I MEAN I FEEL SO MANY EMOTIONS LISTENING to his MUSIC...... I may be REALLY HOT 4 Him and TOTALLY SHY AROUND him a Bit, but it's just I'm TOTALLY LOYAL and who CARES if I'm WEIRD 2 SOME....I just wasn't digging the BAD SIDE of MINNIE when I was TOTALLY a TOURIST.... I WISH and PRAY that all the BAD COULD be MADE UP to me... I'm just NIAVE and STRANGE and well Maybe STILL a TEENAGER so Can one Blame my Way of ACTING if that is ALL I am CAPABLE OF? I mean Maybe it just is THAT and CAN NEVER CHANGE.....If he Thinks it BAD well...I Can't help it ....He ONCE said he HAD NO SOCIAL SKILLS.... Sometimes, I TRULY FEEL the SAME... I don't Hate on ANYBODY ,but MEAN FIGHTING PEOPLE who HATE OTHERS... I think being SWEET and FRIENDLY is EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD, but it is TOTALLY HARD when such NASTY people EXIST.... I do LIKE to make an IMPACT WHEREVER I GO.... Guess, I REALLY do NEED the BIG PIECE OF PIE.....I Don't Hate any of Prince's People or Protegees. I want everyone to do well... I just Cannot Help DESIRING HIM so that may be my BIGGEST PROBLEM ...ALLOWING a MAN to UPSET MY BALANCE.... I Wish I Didn't have FEELINGS for HIM.... Cause it just is AWEFUL that it's just a FANTASY THING..... It's Really Terrible...Plus, I don't want any NEGATIVITY..... I just ADORE HIM and HE KNOWS it SO MUCH.... He's EVERYTHING COOL..... Peace OUT!!! Thanks to whomever has this website up and My space...
JoinedPosts by Zelaira
Is Prince Still a Jehova's Witness?
by Silvia Plath in.
has anyone heard of what happened with prince being a jehova's witness if he still is or not?
and how is he pursuing his music career while doing it?
Is Prince Still a Jehova's Witness?
by Silvia Plath in.
has anyone heard of what happened with prince being a jehova's witness if he still is or not?
and how is he pursuing his music career while doing it?
By the way...I Love him forever since I was 12 and well.... I think him the Coolest.... I Totally RESPECT him. I just feel he CONFUSES EVERYONE cause he is still VERY SEXUAL and all and well WHAT does he EXPECT his fans to do? I mean he's very EROTIC and HOT and We still Want to Jump on him... I think 48 isn't old and if he thinks so then he IS OLD... I mean MICK JAGGER is WAYYY into his 60's and he Moves. If it's a Problem with HIPs then I UNDERSTAND, but 48 is NOT OLD.. Ya can DANCe and Have Wild Times... I mean ya BRAIN ACTING OLD in it's thinking if ya STIFFLING STUFF. Ya can be OLDER and SKINNIER.. BULLCRAP ya get FAT.. WORK OUT and EAT LESS. EVERYONE can B as they were as Younger it is BULLCRAP to COUNT NUMBERS. GEt BOTOX and Take PILLS and VITAMINS.... NO EXCUSE but LAZY ASS... I SWEAR..... HE BEST get his BUTTOCKS TONED and show some CHEST and GET DANCING in MIAMI and I will TRAVEL to VEGAS if he MAKES ME and FEEDS me PIZZA BURGERS and STOPS LAUGHING that I'm a F---UP KID In LOVE with HIM!!!! HELL. YES.... U FOOL... I LOVE U and U KNOW I COULd ROCK U into 19 again.... I Wanna... I Wanna Make U alll YOUNG... All FIREY....I wanna ROCK YA.... I LOVE Ya and I AIn'T LEAVIN Ya.. I Am Watchin Ya ACT FOREVER DADDY POP... Ya SQUUEZE MACHINE... I Get all Raw With Ya Thoughts... I Dig on Ya ... PEACE BEAUTIFUL MAN of the GORGEOUS FACE and TALENTED DUDE of GUITAR.... I tell ya that Ya make me SCREAM ya WILD Beautiful GUITAR DUDE..... I wanna have ya Bite me on m Neck like a VAMPIRE.... I Love Ya to b My Vampire LOUIS or ARMAND and Take me into the Vampire Fantasy with you on PIANO....I wanna have you Compose to me as ARMAND or Louis and I just CROON... I JUST INHALE your COLORFUL MUSIC..Your SCENT....Please allow me to Inspire.. I am Totally Happy and Dreaming Of U Prince.... I Dream Of U... Let Me Inspire....Your Fun........ Make it all SEXY and DARK.......Kisses My AMOUR.... Kisses forever your fan....
Is Prince Still a Jehova's Witness?
by Silvia Plath in.
has anyone heard of what happened with prince being a jehova's witness if he still is or not?
and how is he pursuing his music career while doing it?
The thing is Until he get's Divorced he has to Act a Certain way. I wish he was SINGLE and a Playboy Forever as I wanna Shag him Wild and I'm Not into ADULTERY. I think he is SEXY Hot and COOl. I Lust after him and feel NO Shame. I Know I can B a better Personal ASSISTANT and VANITY CLONE than MANI who is FAKE... See, I am the REAL SPIRIT and she is just HIS FANTASY of the REAL..... She is Smart but she has NO FASHION STYLE without his DESIGNERS and she is TRYING with her Causes which are WONDERFUL, BUT..I am a MOM and I KNOW how it is... She is simply a WANNA B... I am the REAL DEAL to tell ya.. I am What he WANTS and SHE is just his PUPPET.. Like it or Not she is TRYINg to be ...well an ANGELINA a MARVA COLLINS a ENTREPRENEUR... But, I have been there ...I KNOW where SHE SIMPLY GUESSES... Is she a MOM? DOES she WORK? Does she TAKE CARE of her KID? I mean I don't think so and it's all so SIMPLE when ONLY ya DREAM.... Go down to the REAL and REALLY GET GHETTO if Ya WANT TO B.. I MEAN NO WAY U EVER BEEN all the REAL... You can NEVER KNOW... HAVE CHILDREN, Get a DIVORCE Face DEATH... I mean ya want the REAL???? Ya only READING and DOING what One TELLS ya.. What ya KNOW bout LOSS and Bad Times and CHILDBIRTH? Ya ever EXPERIENCED IT ALL? That is the REAL SHIT..... Talk 2 Me THEN... Ya ever been Raped? Abused? I mean I Know Friends in EVERY CATEGORY. EVERY ECONOMIC Situation... I Dig all the REAL... Where ya been in TORONTO been so Bad? I Love her and all, but she is MONEY and just ACTING she ain't no REAL TRIP from BROOKLYN and he is NOT REAL from CHANHASSEN... BROOKLYN and all is the REAL DEAL.... Us NYC'S are the REAL with all We Had to go through with 9-11 and all. So many Problems feeling in New York. I Love ya all..But, I'll Never Believe ya UNDERSTAND or FEEL the REAL PAIN like us NEW YORKERS DO... Suffice 2 say..YA RICH....ACTING POOR 2 B Cool or 2 KNOW or b WITHIT... Ya gotta be In IT... Maybe I am an ACTOR of the REALISM.... But, how ya gonna Really KNOW..Less ya BEEN There? I FEEL REAL COMPASSION and I tell Ya as 50 Cent Say....Ain't Ever Going Back,,,,,,,,,,,,Peace and Blessings..... Zelaira the Great big NUMER 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, if ya don't know NUMBEr 1 Child ya better STEP AWAY.... Ya better RUn..... I'm a GONNA Getcha with My RAP.........
I am New and I Am Being Discriminated At Work For NOT BEING A Catholic
by Zelaira inand also catholics and lutherans who hate on jws are harrasssing because they are blindsided and i am sick of it .... why do witnesses have such hate poured on them by catholics and lutheran groups?
also, how do you deal with not celebrating holidays?
is it wrong to wear crosses or can it be a gothic thing that a witness can possibly understand?
and also Catholics and Lutherans who Hate on JWS are Harrasssing because they are BLINDSIDED and I am SICK of IT .... Why do Witnesses have such Hate Poured on them by Catholics and Lutheran Groups? Also, how do you deal with Not Celebrating Holidays? Is it Wrong to wear Crosses or can it be a Gothic thing that a witness can possibly understand? I mean Janet Jackson wears them and well several witnesses are far from being a bit PROMISCUOUS... I mean if ya LOVE Jehovah God Can't U B a FREE SPIRIT? I mean isn't it about TRYING to be YOUR BEST and LOVING ? I don't Think one must be PERFECT RIGHT? I think it's about SPIRIT and Your Love of GOD Jehovah and Christ Jesus right? I mean can you Really Hate Gays who are ya Friends or your Hairdressers? I personally don't at all. Talk 2 ME....