"Watchtower" - Why did Russell REALLY choose that name?

by Sirona 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Cygnus

    Kennesson, are you asking me or telling me?

  • free2beme

    He choose it because he was a Jimi Hendrix fan!

    "Along the Watchtower!"

  • willyloman

    So, whether the term 'Watchtower' stems from the Adventists or the Wicca religion, the fact remains Russell co-opted it and decided to have it stand for the symbol for "true" Christians in the last days. Isn't this what the WTS condemns Christendom for? The conversion of all those pagan emblems, symbols and holidays into "Christian" relics?

    Just one more inconsistency I missed back in the day.

  • hopelesslystained

    hey willyo, i saw the symbols etc in the wt publications as a child and somehow on a gut level determined the org was making an effort to associate itself with the occult and therefore to have an amount of influence over those who became associated with it. be it masonic, witchcraft, or anything else, i saw it then and now as a means of emotional control over those who were and could be influenced by things which create a belief in the superstitous. and guess what? all good jws are just that, superstitious and are definitely controlled by their belief in demons and their supposed effects on us humans. that being said, i have been labeled 'witch' and 'demonized' by 'good jws' for seeing and questioning as to why these symbols, etc. were used. witch, i may be, but even as a child i could see the mind control which was being used. whether mr russell was a mason or not, does not really matter, he used the symbology and set the ball in motion. as a side note, the four watchtowers, north, east, south, and west, are believed to have guardians which can be called upon for support of that which individuals desire. my question, did russell invoke them? and for what, if he did?

  • sf

    The Enochian Tarot Deck
    Comments: The Enochian Tarot is based on Enochian magic, ... Enochian earth is
    the occult physical plane. The Watchtower of Earth is the occult etheric ...
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  • kid-A

    Perhaps a séance would reveal the answer to you...

    Old Soul, have you seen pictures of that dude? He was scary enough in REAL life.....would not want to see what his ghost would look like!!!! LOL

  • findingmyway

    I Google'd this: "charles russell" "freemason" and came up with this site, among others.


    The text below comes from the book called "To Be God Of One World" by Robert Sessler who got most of this information from the book "The Watchtower And The Masons" by Fritz Springmeier.

    What about the Church of Jehovah's Witnesses? This church was founded by Charles T. Russell. Russell was certainly well acquainted with the Occult and Masonry because he used the 33rd Degree Masonic Symbol 9winged sun-disk with opposing snakes) in some of his books! He also used the Knights Templar symbol (a cross inside a crown sometimes encircled by a wreathe or glory) in a number of his papers and books. Russell is also buried in a pyramid with Masonic symbols on its capstone.

    Charles Russell even gave a sermon in which he stated that Jesus Christ was the "Grand Master" of this Order to which Russell and the rest of the Jehovah's Witnesses belonged! He stated:

    "...the Lord Jesus, the grand and everlasting Head and Master of this Order...the Grand Master....We are not hindered from telling the ultimate purposes of this grand Secret Order which our Lord organized..."

    But this tactic of trying to make Jesus Christ of Nazareth the head of a Secret Order devoted to the occult is nothing new. Adam Weishaupt states exactly the same thing about his Secret Order of the Illuminati, which is devoted to the occult:

    "Jesus of Nazareth, the Grand Master of our Order, appeared at a time when the world was in the utmost disorder...he took in the aid of Religion...and, in a very clever manner, he combined his secret doctrines with the popular religion...and they have been handed down to us...by the Free Masons."

    So there is very little difference seen between the "Order" or the Jehovah's Witnesses church that Russell founded, and the Order which Weishaupt founded for the purpose of bringing in and ruling a New Age. In fact Russell frequently talked about this New Age--calling it a "Golden Age" to come. He preached a sermon on it entitled "Must We Abandon Hope of a Golden Age." He even established a paper called The Golden Age which is now called Awake.

    But is this teaching of the "Golden Age to come" exclusively Charles Russell's and the Jehovah's Witnesses? No!

    "...the 17,500 [Masonic] lodges of the U.S. and Canada...are to act as harbingers of that 'New Order of the Ages,' that Great Golden Age that is to come...May the Masonic Order become reoriented to make its peculiar contribution to that Glorious Objective."

    But this hope of a "Golden Age to come" does not originate with the Masons either. It is an ancient Egyptian and Babylonian term specifying the time which "men and gods could live together happily." Hence we see that this great push towards a New World Order for the Ages, is nothing more than the ancient Plan for a One World System.

    But these occultic and spiritualistic teachings of Russell's did not pass away when he died, but continue within the church of Jehovah's Witnesses. The church teaches the New Age belief that "Now we are in the end of this gospel age, and the kingdom [of Christ] is being established or set up." That this kingdom "will obtain full, universal control...in the earth, [and that] He whose right it is thus to take dominion will then be present as earth's new Ruler" who will reign over "the new order of things on earth" in "His millennial kingdom."

  • Satanus

    Fritz Springmeier should be ignored. He makes up a lot of stuff. It is nice and fluffy, though, for those who like that.


  • Kaput

    So who's right about the identity of the "grand master", Russell with Jesus Christ, or Freddie Franz with Jehovah in the NWT at Malachi 1:6? (I guess Freddie wins...Russell's stuff is "old light".)

  • inquirer

    Actually, the word "Watchtower" appears many times in the Hebrew Scriptures. Other translations render it this way too, maybe he was impressed by medieval architecture and thought about monarchy-like settings about castles and things as well, and thought the idea of a watchtower in a castle is cool or something.

    Charles may have been more linient than the army general Rutherford, but he still has blood guilt for starting up this organization! :( I MEAN, WHAT WAS HE THINKING!

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