Are you a Generalist or a Specialist

by joelbear 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    i play tennis regularly and always have.

    my job has always required creation of new thought and ideas.

    the only place i am passive is in bed and then i'm a pretty aggressively passive person.

    i'm not really taking offense at what you are saying, i simply think you are wrong or perhaps making a conclusion

    based on insufficient data.

  • proplog2


    Probably insufficient data.

    What's your height and weight. At 20 yrs and then at 30 yrs.

    You don't have to answer me or you can send me a private message.

  • proplog2


    So you are not going to let me know your height and weight at age 20 and 30 also 40 if you are that old.

    This thread stops here.

    I am not wrong about your inclinations. If you had the curiosity of a generalist you would at least inquire about why I asked about your physical dimensions.

    You are comfort centered- NOT information centered.

    Your demands to be loved and appreciated are unrealistic. It is nice to be loved and appreciated but life is tough.

    Whether we are generalists, specialists, creative, plodding, enchanting, ... we are trapped AS our selves. Our best attributes are sold to the highest bidder - our worst traits have to be tolerated and perhaps managed.

  • Ellie

    Neither really and this is something thats bugging me at the minute, I think being brought up a dub I had to specialise in all things dub, now I'm no longer one I don't have many interests.

  • Billygoat

    So you are not going to let me know your height and weight at age 20 and 30 also 40 if you are that old.

    This thread stops here.

    I am not wrong about your inclinations. If you had the curiosity of a generalist you would at least inquire about why I asked about your physical dimensions.

    Wow proplog, don't you think this is a little harsh and judgemental? Is it because Joel hasn't responded to you? Could he perhaps have been busy? It was a Friday night...most people have a life on Friday nights. Not everyone is on here everyday. Maybe he just hasn't had the chance to respond.

    Not sure if I misunderstood the point to your last response, but I know I always respond well when someone in essence tells me to "buck up".

  • proplog2


    You are right. I presumed Joel read my post. Oh well..... So, I'm impatient....

  • Terry
    Generalist or Specialist?

    The first few experiences we have allow us to abstract general sketches of what something "is".

    The more we revisit the subject; the more details we pencil in.

    The first FOLDER on each subject, you might say, has a GENERAL label and the contents of the folder are all the specific examples that define the particulars.

    The Specialist always begins as a Generalist.

    Our practical knowledge is hardly ever General except as stereotypical.

    To be a fully functioning intelligent entity in a hostile universe we must grasp the particulars and the specificities or we risk doom.

    Religious people are given fake folders with nonsense that purports to support the Generality and then wonder why their lives are so filled with obstacles.

    I've tried, as far as humanly possible, to fill all my Generalist tendencies in with Specialist information that makes the subject clear and predictable.

    I tend to become intrigued with things I don't know and throw myself in with full intellectual vigor to figuring out the particulars with as much depth as my limited mind can handle. Face it: we each have limits. Discovering our own limits is part of what life unfolds if we but become aware of it.


  • Billygoat
    our worst traits have to be tolerated and perhaps managed.
    So, I'm impatient....

    I understand. It's one of my traits I'm learning to manage myself.

  • proplog2


    Some people are more comfortable with the Roman Numerals in the outline. Others like the :





  • Terry


    Some people are more comfortable with the Roman Numerals in the outline. Others like the :





    Some people say a man is made out of mud; a poor man's made out of muscle and blood; muscle and blood and skin and bone, a mind that's weak and a back that's strong.


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