More New Light?

by individuals wife 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    To PathofThorns

    At best this comment that was supposedly heard probably came from someone taking a few liberties in a local talk, or maybe someone just got a little too carried away reading another post by MDS

    I can understand your sceptism, I have no doubt in my mind that my source of this information heard correctly at a district convention... but what I want to establish is whether this is an isolated case of pure conjecture on the part of a 'loose-cannon' Bethelite or whether it has some substance behind it.

    Doubtlessly there were rumours going around before the publication of the 1995 WT on the generation change, it was a monumental alteration -as this one would be if it were true.

    Lindy - Your list of questions highlights the massive implications of this statement, it would really test the motive of those in the organisation today. Would they continue in their service in the knowledge that they would receive no reward? Would they be resurrected or would they never step into the 'promised land'?

    Francoise - it would have to be chocolate flavoured manna for me!

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    Just want to check and see if anyone who maybe hasnt seen this has any more information?

    Would like to get it verified if at all possible...

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Nothing like that was said at the convention that I attended, and I communicate pretty regularly with people that atteneded other conventions and they would have picked up on that if it had been said there. Mind you, I wouldn't be surprised to hear something like that.

  • bluesapphire

    This shouldn't come as a surprize! It's basically what they said to the last generation -- you know the one that was told that the "indisputable facts" proved that armageddon was coming IN 1914. The WTS doesn't care that it's a "revolving door." As long as they have fresh new meat to exploit, they're happy.

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