Jesus taught Love and Kindness

by oldflame 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldflame

    How did the JW's get this backwards when they claim to have an accurate knowledge of the scriptures, they seem to have by-passed this somehow. I have never seen such a group or sect or religion that hated people outside of their own realm than I have seen in this Religion.

    That is not to be taken personal as I know it comes from Borg teachings.

  • jaffacake

    That is the biggest mystery to me. The JW religion completely misses the whole purpose of scripture, whilst at the same time being genuinely well versed in it. They fail to understand the impact of the Messiah and the NT on the OT.

    I always say they aer so near but so far from understanding scriptures.

    What is that scripture about the letter kills but the spirit gives light?

  • Cygnus

    Well, Jesus wasn't all that great. He called his best friend "Satan," called a women of another race a "dog," and told his followers to desert their families and follow him.

  • kwintestal

    I hear Jesus was an apostate. He's OK with me!

    I read a book last year which discussed insolation versus isolation. Jesus taught us not to isolate ourselves from the world (as the JW's have done) but to insolate ourselves from their influence as we live among them and love them.

    JW's don't have enough love for themselves, let alone others.


  • trevor

    Jesus taught many things and covered every base - that is according to the collection of writings that have been edited approved by the powers that be.

    This allows people to project their own emotional needs onto the image of Christ Jesus and claim divine approval for their neurosis.

    What would so many people do without such a fashionable form of therapy ?


  • Cygnus
    Jesus taught many things and covered every base

    Trevor, how true. Jesus was loving and caring, and also a bastard swine killer and war-mongerer. His many personalities were borne out so well in Scorcese's "The Last Temptation of Christ"... even if he added to the story.

  • jaffacake


    I'm really surprised at you. You are usually so careful to stop people posting biased or inaccurate stuff (at least about JWs).

    Yet that was a pretty biased summary of Christ in the NT.

    What surprises me most is that you did not acnowledge that Christ always spoke in parables, hyperbole and symbolic language. Knowing this as you do, why do you present his words as if you believe he meant them literally?

    You would criticise anyone who did similar with Watchtower or Russell's words.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    JW’s certainly do love and care for all of Jehovah’s creations. That’s why they go from door to door spreading the good news of Jehovah’s kingdom. They want everyone to be able to experience the rich rewards that Jehovah has in store for them on an Earthly paradise.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Well, Jesus wasn't all that great. He called his best friend "Satan," called a women of another race a "dog," and told his followers to desert their families and follow him.

    Well, we don't know that he was being quoted accurately. I'm sure they had sound bites then just like they do now.

  • FlyingHighNow
    They want everyone to be able to experience the rich rewards that Jehovah has in store for them on an Earthly paradise.

    And as long as people cooperate with them, they are aokay with it. But let them refuse to go along with the JWs and then the JWs sit around fantasizing about them getting their eyes pecked out at Armeggedon. And some like my sister actually get a buzz from such fantasy. I am not kidding.

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