Describe your first thoughts upon hearing the 1914 generation 'new light'

by kid-A 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • kid-A

    We all remember where we were and what we were thinking during highly significant events....(e.g. 9-11, JFK, etc)....

    If you can recall, what were the first thoughts racing through your mind as you sat at the 1995 d.c. at the infamous 1914 generation change announcement, was it "the final nail in the coffin of your WTS beliefs or did you engage in mental gymnastics to try to assimilate the "fresh meat in due season" lol......

    I was in such shock at this announcement, I think my mind just blanked out for 10 minutes followed by: "OK, this really is it for me......they have duped us all along", I then immediately started thinking of my 90 year old JW grandmother sitting in the stadium, and what must have been going through her mind......

  • TD

    I thought, "How can the JW religion survive this?"

    The change creates a third class of JW's that don't survive Armageddon and don't go to heaven. Within the JW salvific schema they're no different and no better off than non-JW's.

  • ashitaka

    I thought...yay I have a reason to leave. The crap that they were spewing was unreal. I was getting counseled, as a child, on the comics I could read, the music I could listen to, and the things I did in my spare time. It was obviously a fraud. I only needed them to confirm it. HAIL CHRISTMAS AND HALLOWEEN!

  • 95stormfront

    Unfortunately, if you ask most dubs this question you're likely to get the deer in the headlights look . They'll then swear up and down that no significant change has taken place that they've heard of and the generation is still based upon the 1914 date. Then, when presented with information to the contrary, they'll downplay it as no big deal and insist that love of jehovah and loyalty to his organization is what really matters regardless to the changes in "new light".

    I was in the middle of discussing the significance of this change with my in perpetual studying phase bil one day and I could see that my wife was seething in anger where, later, she brushed the whole issue aside and accused me of just being "fault finding".

    You can't help but find them, if you're thinking for glaring as they are !!!!

  • kid-A

    Yes indeed.... I recall the drive home that night from the assembly.......not even a passing mention of this momentous change during the conversation....the awesome power of collective denial!

  • confusedjw

    I thought "Well it's about time ... you knew something had to happen"

    And a little sickish

  • carla


    Trying to understand the 'third class' you mentioned. Wouldn't that put any jw's who died now in the same boat as those who died previous to 1995? Don't they get to 'come back' at the big A and help out in restoring earth and accepting all the 'new light'? a bit confused and can't afford to not have this right, thanks much, carla

  • joelbear

    I had kind of predicted it would happen by the year 2000. however I mistakenly predicted that they would also drop 1914 completely by 2000. Now i think maybe by 2014. last days of 100 years? i dunno i guess its sellable

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Mixed always.

    I was pissed that they found a way to wiggle out of its impending failure. But also impressed with the tighter new interpretation, and the ingenious (especially for them) way it solved the problem.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    I’m pretty sure that I had ceased attending meetings by that point. Even if I was in attendance at one of those district conventions you can be rest assured that I probably wasn’t paying attention to a word the guy was saying. I didn’t even realize they had started to change this doctrine until picking up an Awake magazine at my mom’s house and reading the inside front cover. I had remembered that they used to say that the 1914 generation would never pass away on page 02 of every issue and now, low and behold, it’s gone. Vanished, as if into thin air. I remember asking my self if any of the brothers and sisters even noticed.

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