Did You Believe The "End" Would Come In Your Lifetime?

by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • fairchild

    Yes, I always believed that the big A would occure in my lifetime. I never thought we'd make it past the year 2000, but here we are..

  • Soledad
    Yeah, curse them bastards! We need a pitchfork and a torch emoticon.

    close enough Yeah, I did think the end would come in my lifetime. My lack of preparation for the real world was all because of that held belief.

  • cyd0099

    Didn't waste money on braces or higher education. Jehovah was going to fix me any day now...
    How deluded I was.
    Now I am hoping to remedy those situations and move on.

  • free2beme

    If you never did, then you never were a real Witness. I thought it would! I thought it so much I planned events in my life with it in mind.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The president resigned, The Jews and Egyptians were fighting in the middle east, the gas crunch, protests by the antiwar factions, the race riots, three assasinations in five years or so... This was the early seventies remember? Hell yes 1975 held credibility to a teenager in a house torn by marital strife. Yep, believed it like every sap out there now sucking up the Tsunami and Hurricane disasters as "PROOF".

    Get out while you can you lurkers!! Not Dfed, he's gov body material.


  • Dan-O

    "I never did."

    Me, either. But my old man did. He's been dead for almost 16 years. Go figure.

  • SloBoy

    Hey y'all.....Joined when I was twenty-one; honestly didn't realize the 1975 date was being pushed so hard, but it was. Come to find out while I went up one side of the street "encouraging" people to have a relationship with Hova, my buddies were on the other side telling them "Make up your mind now cause you only got a couple of months before you will be vaporized". Anyhoooo......Liked the point of Almostatheist's post...thinking of all those old Witnets who knew they'd been lied to many, many times and didn't have the "integrity" to drop me and others some little clue, like " WHAT A CROCK OF BULL THIS ALL IS, DON'T FALL FOR IT, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND PLAN FOR THE FUTURE!!!". Although I now understand their silence, I certainly don't respect it.

  • LouBelle

    When I was a youngster I did - I thought I'd never make matric (final year in high school) I was 17 then. 12 years on I don't believe in the "end" anymore.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I sure did, but I got out of the control group and had a great time while I waited for WT Killer God to get me.

    He still hasn't gotten around to it.

    Dad must be getting really pissed of with Him by now, but he won't show it.

  • inquirer

    GetBusyLiving --

    I wanted to believe it, but never really did. I did believe in God for a while though and always figured that he was going to eventually vaporize me for my lack of faith. I always thought he hated me because I couldn't be like the kid's in the Watchtower and Awake. Happily anyway.

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