Report: More Kids Being Home-Churched

by No Apologies 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • No Apologies
  • skyman

    We have that right to do this but a quick note. My partner in business is a very religious person and home schools his five kids. The other day his 13 year old boy asked what does that sign on the building say? I said you can read, YOU read it. Then later that same day as we were driving by a pre- school he asked his dad what the sign on the building said. Later I asked his dad if his 13 year old son could read he said yes!!!! So I asked him about his boy asking me and later asking him. I was told his boy really could not read yet but his boy was actually really smart and it would not be much longer before he would be able. My wife is a teacher and she hates it when home schooled kids get put back into the school system because they never are at the right level as they sould be. Yes some can read very well but to date none of them that has ever came back into the school where she works at is at the proper grade level in other subjects. VERY VERY SAD!!!

  • darkuncle29

    That article is a spoof. You knew that right? But it was funny.

    I know people who are homeschooled at both ends of the spectrum. Most are a bit behind their peer group. In Washington I think home schooling is regulated by the state board of education, and if the kids don't make progress then they have to go back to public school. (I don't know that that is the absolute of the law or not.)

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