Feeling like chopped liver.

by bebu 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • bebu

    My son's best friend's parents attend a really whacky religious group, similar in some respects to the JWs. Simply replace Armageddon with hell, and there ya go! I have just shrugged at it; they've been nice enough to me, very friendly.

    This evening, their son asked me if he might be able to spend the night and go with my son to the youth group at our church in the morning. I shrugged and said no problem. He called, and then simply told me that he got a "no" answer (and I wasn't surprised).

    But my son spoke with him before he left our home. Apparently the mom was shouting at him that he "wasn't a true Christian!!" and if Jesus showed up while he was at our church, he would certainly go to hell!!

    Wow. I feel like she's either very 2-faced (cause she's very sociable to me and never says a negative word to me about anything), or else she's not sure how to broach the subject of her concern with me. ...If a person truly believes I am in THAT much danger of hell, shouldn't s/he say something?? I'm chopped liver in reality? (Their take on "bird food"?)

    I am now wondering how they permitted my son to associate with theirs, because they believe long hair is a sign of rebellion... and hell is for the rebellious. (You can barely see my son's face, his hair is so long. ) They are so hell-petrified that they refuse to let their son go to a movie theater, lest Jesus return at that point... and he would then go to hell!

    Their son is determined at this point to move as far away from his parents as possible, once he's 18. I hope we won't lose touch with him in the meantime (that is, that he gets cut off from socializing with my son or the rest of us). He's a fun kid. He needs a lifeline.

    Thanks for letting me vent. If I didn't do it here, I suspect I'd be sending the mom a terse email! I don't think it would help.


  • talesin

    Well, she can certainly intimidate and control her son, which I am sure she could not do to you.

    That makes you the opposite of chopped liver in my books, rather someone she fears to 'get into it' with. So, who is the real Christian? (well, you know my answer to that)


  • talesin
    I hope we won't lose touch with him in the meantime (that is, that he gets cut off from socializing with my son or the rest of us). He's a fun kid. He needs a lifeline.
    Thanks for letting me vent. If I didn't do it here, I suspect I'd be sending the mom a terse email! I don't think it would help.

    Good call. If you confront her, he may be forbidden to hang out with your family. And I think the term 'lifeline' is apt. Keep on keepin' on.


  • fairchild
    If you confront her, he may be forbidden to hang out with your family.

    So true. How old is their son? How far away from his 18th birthday?

  • Dan-O

    "if Jesus showed up while he was at our church, he would certainly go to hell!!"

    But, if Jesus showed up while, for example, he was sitting on your toilet, he would certainly go straight to heaven?

    What if he was on the toilet at your church, not even attending the services, mind you. He was just walking down that particular street and had to go? And he was constipated?

    (Armageddon can do that to you. The fifth horseman of the apocalypse is Constipation. He rides a brown horse.)

    Could he just pull his pants up real quick & run out the door to salvation?

  • misanthropic

    Bebu- Wow I have no advice, but I know how it feels having someone think you're not good enough. So I'm just gonna give you a great big hug ((((((((((((((((((((BEBU))))))))))))))))))))

  • Xandria

    No, if Jesus showed up at any time while they behaved in this manner~ he would say go~ for you don't know me!


  • bebu

    Naw, Tal, she can't do much with me!! She might do things to prevent her son from being around his friends, but he's pretty headstrong... I guess I'll have to drop some resource ideas to him, maybe thru my son, so he can find some help, if she gets really weird.

    This boy is 14, just starting high school. He's got a ways to go, and hs will be tough enough. What's funny is that last night her son and mine spent 4 hours playing Halo and this afternoon they went to a 4-hour paintball game extravaganza. Now, he can do that, but stay away from our church--or he'll go to hell!!

    But, if Jesus showed up while, for example, he was sitting on your toilet, he would certainly go straight to heaven?

    ROFL!! I'm going to have to ask her this!!!! Dan-O!! You are tempting me here!!!


    The fifth horseman of the apocalypse is Constipation. He rides a brown horse.

    (I think that's the turd horse of the apocalypse??)

    ...Thanks for the kind hug, misanthropic... And I am very sorry to learn that blanket condemnation is something you can relate to, too. ((((((((((((((((((((((HUG BACK))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Everyone, thanks for allowing me to vent!!


  • thom

    You're right, it does sound a bit like JW's. I feel sorry for the kid.

    I wonder if this resembles their church, as theyseem to be terrified of God:


  • hubert
    If a person truly believes I am in THAT much danger of hell, shouldn't s/he say something??

    Bebu, Everyone here knows you ain't "The Devil in disguise". In fact, you are far from it.

    Very far.

    I would just let it ride, and see what comes up in the future. I know that's the way you are thinking, too. Don't make waves, but keep an eye in case they try to "convert" your son, heaven forbid.



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