Watchtower PR Statement 8-7-01

by silentlambs 63 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Fredhall

    Apologize for what stephen20?

  • Seeker

    Hmmm...they seem to be adding more details each time, making it sound better and better. Let's dissect this latest PR release:

    Sexual abuse of children is a terrible crime that can leave lasting emotional scars on its victims.

    Which we are beginning to finally realize now that is being pushed in our face. Funny how Jehovah's "progressive" organization is so far behind the times on this one.

    Often, child molesters are attracted to organizations that have children as members, which makes protecting children from sexual abuse a complex and important societal concern.

    Child molestors are attracted to our organization because we put them in such close proximity to children who are taught to trust any one of Jehovah's Witnesses, since they are not worldly people who do bad things.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses condemn child molestation,

    Of course they do. Everyone does. Of course, you gotta prove it first!

    and they do not tolerate such activity within their membership.

    Did we mention you have to prove it first?

    If there is sufficient evidence that someone has exploited children in this way, he may be disfellowshipped (excommunicated).

    Sufficient evidence being either a confession or two eyewitnesses.

    A sincerely repentant former child molester may be allowed to remain a member of the faith, but he is strongly warned against being alone with children unless one of the parents or another responsible adult is also present.

    And we all know how a firm scolding will stop a child molestor in his tracks...Meanwhile, said "repentant" "former" child molestor will have been privately reproved and may have had sanctions against him (no commenting, you bad man), but no one in the congregation will be made aware of his crimes (other than the victims on the other side of the aisle). Anyone who talks about his crimes will be slapped with charges of slander and possibly disfellowshipped.

    Moreover, as a protection to our children, former child molesters are not permitted to receive positions of responsibility in our religion.

    That's our new policy. Unlike our old policy in which child molestors were encouraged to give parts, give prayers, and in all ways made to look like a hero. Of course, even under the new policy, did we mention you have to prove it first?

    If an accusation of child molestation is made against a member of the congregation, the elders immediately work to assure the safety of the victim.

    Unless it's just the victim's word against the molestors. In which case the molestor's spouse may be told to just pray more.

    Also, they make every effort to comply with the law.

    To the letter. If the law says nothing about reporting molestors, we obey the law and refuse to report it!

    This includes complying with laws that mandate reporting the incident to the proper authorities.

    But only when we have to, and call the Legal department first to find out if you have to.

    This is even done when a child is the only one to report the wrong conduct or when the elders received the allegation of molestation in confidence.

    Unless they live in a state that doesn't make them do it.

    The victim or the victim’s family may also report the matter to the authorities. The have an absolute right to report and none should interfere with this.

    Including all those elders we encourage to interfere through the decades. Now that we are in hot water, we have a new policy: it was all you elder's fault!

  • gsark

    Notice that the WT use the present

    "If there is 'sufficient' evidence...he 'may' be disfellowshipped." That's VERY encouraging.

    'former child molesters'..wasn't there a BOE letter just posted that stated if it has been more than five years, and a 'former molester' changes congregations there is no need to alert the new congreagation of his past?

    And last but not leasr...victims may go to the authorities. It doesn't say no punitive action will be taken against them!!!

    So far, they are not dealing with the very issues the lawsuits bring up!!!

    Only in the Watchtower...

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • Anchor

    Then: "such persons are disfellowshipped (excommunicated) from the congregation"

    Now: "may be disfellowshipped"

    Further to my post above re "none should interfere":

    Translation: Society to elders, COs and DOs: Forget what we've suggested to you privately about protecting the organization and "Jehovah's good name," you are the dumb asses who will bear the burden, not we in our palace in Patterson and Brooklyn. We wash our hands of you.



  • noidea
    Also, they make every effort to comply with the law. This includes complying with laws that mandate reporting the incident to the proper authorities.

    Does anyone know if it is a requirement to report by law in all the states?

  • blondie
  • Eusebius Hieronymus
    Eusebius Hieronymus

    In the famous words of William Bowen,


    You can not hide. We see you for what you are, despicable and beneath all contempt.

    You just made NBC Dateline an even bigger story.

  • nytelecom1

    umm.......did i miss something??.......what exactly is the difference.

  • JT

    Come on JR- :A sincerely repentant former child molester


    could someone tell me what is a "Former" Child molester

    while i make no excuses for child molesters - what will be the answer to their problems - seek professional help- yea right

    if there are any elders on line you guys like myself know what the solution is- in fact in the last elders school back in the 80's Leon Weaver- a good Mega Heavy- in the org- told us that 95% of all your problems as elders can be solved by asking these 3 questions:

    1` Are you have a good regular share in Service

    2 Are you regular at your meetings

    3 are you keeping up with your reading aka wt literature

    if the publisher were to answer NO to anyone of these 3 questions we were told to tell the publisher that THIS IS WHY YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEM

    so go take 2 asprin and call me in the morning is what we were told to tell the friends

    when you consider that these were the 3 things that judical committees told child molesters to do and this way they would molest no more-- it truly shows why wt PR man JR Brown put it best

    the elders are UNTRAINED VOLUTEERS and he left off the most important part- they don't know what in the Hell they are doing playing Dr


  • stephenw20

    about the law....

    there is state laws..... some mandatory some not...

    but it IS against FEDERAL LAW REGARDLESS period!

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