ITHINKISEE Update: Questions about our impending move trickle in.

by ithinkisee 24 Replies latest members private

  • glitter

    ITIS, have you thought about how you'll bring up Crisis of Conscience?

    Keep us posted.

  • Billygoat
    ITIS, have you thought about how you'll bring up Crisis of Conscience?

    Personally, I might be a little slow about bringing this up. Your wife is decompressing fairly quickly, but I don't know if she knows it. Crisis of Conscience might be a little much right now. I might see about brining up Ray Franz first and see how she responds. Or I might just see if she brings it up. I'd hate to see all your hard work get stifled with one book. Possibly bring it up after the move?

    That's just my two cents,


  • glitter

    That's what I was thinking. I don't know if Toxic Faith even mentions JWs specifically, so she might not have read and taken in much open critisism of the JWs. I know I was so excited after I read CoC that I asked my mum to read it - too early and now she probably will never read it now. Even though I think she knows the JWs are wrong.



    Your wife is amazing. I am so happy for you that she seems to have opened her mind and is leaving it open. Take advantage of it, but also do it slowly according to whats best for her circumstance. Yikes that sound very JWish didnt it?? In this case its true, you wouldnt want to ruin your hard work by handing her an outright "apostate" book before she is ready. You'll know when.

  • Scully
    ITIS, have you thought about how you'll bring up Crisis of Conscience?

    Personally, I might be a little slow about bringing this up. Your wife is decompressing fairly quickly, but I don't know if she knows it. Crisis of Conscience might be a little much right now. I might see about brining up Ray Franz first and see how she responds. Or I might just see if she brings it up. I'd hate to see all your hard work get stifled with one book. Possibly bring it up after the move?

    I agree. And I'd venture so far as to say that I would allow her to get to the point where she wants to seek out Crisis of Conscience or learn more about Ray Franz.

    This is her journey. She may read Toxic Faith and decide that is all she needs to know to determine that the JWs are a spiritually toxic group. When she is ready to take the next step to investigate the WTS itself, she is intelligent enough to go to the library and type "Jehovah's Witnesses" in the search engine and find Crisis of Conscience on her own.

    If you were to introduce it to her, she might resent it. Obviously she still has close ties with individual JWs and she may want to try to preserve them for whatever meaning they have to her. If she is presented with Apostateā„¢ reading material, she may feel that it threatens those relationships.

    Always remember that this is her journey, and she must be the one to determine what direction the next step will take.

  • Billygoat
    I know I was so excited after I read CoC that I asked my mum to read it - too early and now she probably will never read it now. Even though I think she knows the JWs are wrong.

    That's exactly how I felt. How could anyone NOT get excited about reading it?! LOL I forget that I'm in a VERY different place than my parents, so of course my view is different.

  • Legolas

    That's great to hear! The people in your hall/friends sound just like my old hall, JUDGEMENTAL! Just looking for any opportunity to judge people and tell them how to live their life and what to do.

  • Bryan

    I am so happy for you ithink.

    The Best, from my family to your's!


    have You Seen My Mother

  • talesin

    Very happy for you. And for your wife!

    It's heartening to see so many of you guys that love your wives and families enough to work this hard to save your marriages, and rescue them from the cult. (and uncommon nowadays) I tear up every time I read one of your, or CYP's, or any of you guys' posts.


  • ithinkisee

    Yeah, regarding CoC ... I'm not in a hurry to get her to read it. But I am trying to lay the groundwork.

    We have talked about Ray Franz a little bit. I told her that "according to the reviews on", etc theywent all over the world to look for support of 607 but could not find it. He had a hard time reconciling their unability to prove their "authority" with their eagerness to set rules and dates for their followers.

    I also had a photocopy of the TIME magazine article/interview from the early 80's about Ray Franz when he left.

    She brought up that TIME magazine article one time - and how it was sad they were all expelled or asked to resign at such an old age - to have to start over. She even recollected how a friend gave them a trailer to live in for awhile when they left Bethel.

    So she is very well aware of him ... I am just going to keep bringing it up from time to time.


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