Millions Of Apostates Now Living etc.

by Englishman 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Last year on H20, there was an interesting thread going that had been posted by a pro-witness. Unbelievably, the subject matter concerned whose house they were going to live in after Armageddon. This was the number 1 choice:

    Of much greater interest to me, was an idea, eagerly taken up by Rick, that us vile apostates would survive the big cataclysm!

    I kid you not, many pro-dubs leapt upon the idea that ex-dubs would become SLAVES to the bona fide JW's, and would have to work and care for them in the New Order whilst they lazed around and enjoyed living the Life of Riley. This was to be a fulfillment / antitypical event / some other dub gobbledegook, whatever, but there was lots of misapplied Scripture to back this up!

    So just for fun, lets assume that you are a loyal dub who's survived. Where are you going to live?

    Second, lets now assume that you are a surviving apostate! Which loyal JW would be your idea of the worst nightmare boss to be in control of your life?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • gsark

    The Governing Body Memeber of your choice.....

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • bboyneko

    I wouldnt mind being a slave as long as it was to Piper Perabo as a sex slave (who will have conveniantly become a JW)

  • SlayerLayer

    Can you imagine what hell it would be to be a slave to Fred Hall, or You know? Kill me quickly.


  • philo

    My own high ...err, strike that, my intense condition of inner humility, that I learned in the organisation, makes me choose The Vatican to live in. If I chose anything less I would be manifesting humble pride, and would be setting a bad example.

    Anybody been to the vatican? Tell me it wasn't an awesome religious experience for you, of course it deosn't compare to a football stadium full of dubs!


  • Englishman

    Well, bboynekko, I wouldn't mind being a slave to Shania Twain where she sings "Man I feel like a woman". Its a great video where she wears a top hat, can't find any pics though. Anyone got some?

    Back to the topic, I would like to live here in sunny Madeira;

    As a surviving apostate, my worst idea of a boss would be Ron Grover from Fareham. He was a bro who fired me at age 21 just for crashing his company vehicle.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • philo


    Nice. But isn't sex in the new order solely about having children? the wham, bang, pop cycle.


  • joelbear

    Is Madeira in Spain?

    Can I be Hoss Cartwright's slave and bathe him every night, please please.

    I wouldn't want to be slave to no woman nor to any skinny male JW.



  • bboyneko

    hey Philo, guess me and perabo are gonn be havin a LOT of children!

  • TheEye

    Forget that.

    I would have to choose GEHENNA.


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