Is it OK for a Religion to change doctrines and beliefs as time goes by?

by JH 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    It was questions like these that caused the Nicene Council to convene in the first place. That early council asked the question, "What is Christian? and, if those core principles are not followed, they can no longer be called "Christian", or orthodox.

    Many, many different churches who quibble on minor matters all subscribe to the Nicene Creed, including both the Catholic and Protestant branches. And, on minor matters, churches change their stance many times. The United Church, for instance, has modified it's definition of marriage to accommodate homosexual unions.

    Now, if these churches claimed to be inspired of God as the JW's have, that is the only organization speaking for God in these days, they would be in trouble.

    Also, the JW's do not have a similar core set of beliefs that they ascribe to. A Jehovah's Witness in good standing must believe the "current light" of the society, in all it's detail, or no longer be a Jehovah's Witness. This is why we can say the only core belief that the WTBTS holds as sacred is that the Faithful and Discreet Slave must be obeyed.

  • Elsewhere

    It depends...

    If the religion teaches that they are the inspired channel of a perfect unchanging deity, then no, making ANY changes would reveal that they are lying.

    If the religion is more flexible and admits that they are not perfect and does not condemn anyone for proposing ideas different from their own, then yes, they can change and evolve over time.

    The WTS wants to have it both ways at the same time.

  • stillajwexelder

    I have no problem in religion changing its doctrines when they are patently wrong

  • SeymourButts

    From the Watchtower Feb 15, 1964 This brief analysis of just a few beliefs of “pagan” and “Christian” religions should show the thinking person that sincerity in believing a doctrine does not change what is wrong into what is right. It does not make it acceptable to God. He cannot condone what is wrong. He cannot bless what is falsehood. He is a God of truth. “It is impossible for God to lie,” states Hebrews 6:18; so surely he would not approve lies even when sincerely taught in his name. No doubt you are sincere in your beliefs. But remember, sincerity in itself will not change a wrong belief into a right one nor make it acceptable to God. God wants you to use his written Word to determine what is right. In this way he puts you to the test to see if you deserve his blessings. If you are apathetic, trusting in others to do all your religious thinking for you, then you cannot expect God’s favor.

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