There Is A Logical Explanation For All Of It

by Honesty 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jgnat

    Welcome, still wondering. I marvel at your flexibility. I usually don't try and mess with a senior's belief system. After all, it served you well for many years. Tell me, now that you have concluded that the "truth" was just some very mortal men's ideas, has it shook you up much? How has your family reacted? Do you have any idea where you want to go from here?

  • cruzanheart

    Honesty, I think you got the same guy I did, when I called to find out what the Society was doing to help the hurricane victims -- they really should outsource that info line to India or something.

    Still wondering, WELCOME to the board! I was a Witness from birth until age 46 (will be 50 in December), and there were many years that I felt bad because I didn't understand the contortions taught as "truth." It was a very liberating feeling to realize that I wasn't stupid -- the explanations really didn't make any sense. I think you'll enjoy reading the section "Best of" -- in that are some wonderful essays about the WTBTS teachings. I learned a LOT.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    still wondering

    It really is a good thing that you don't understand it all.

    it means you aren't gullible any more and the WT installed blinders are slipping. Stick around and keep reading. You might find some things in Best of section of the board. You will discover you aren't alone

  • Honesty

    Did you by any chance record that conversation? I think it would be PRICELESS to hear that !!!

    I will have to check my archives of WT conversations. No problem if I didn't. The number has remained the same for years and I can call back. It doesn't matter if I get a different voice on the other end this time because they all are standard dub clones who are programmed to answer only certain questions. When they get hit with a real stumper question the cognitive dissonance shows through like a supernova.

  • still wondering
    still wondering

    Jgnat, Nina, Lady Lee

    Thanks for your welcome. I think my belief system has already been messed with and I’m not sure if it has served me well all those years.

    Because I drew my conclusions over a period of many years it was a gradual awakening but what shook me was reading on the internet others’ experiences that mirror mine. So much of what I read I think to myself yes, I felt, saw, heard, experienced just that.

    I thought I was the odd one out because I couldn’t fit all the pieces together. I now realise that no one can fit the pieces together, some just pretend they can.

    My wife (baptised over 30 years) has come to the same conclusions. The only family I need worry about is our daughter. I have been open with her as I’ve come to these conclusions and so far she hasn’t expressed an opinion either way.

    I’m not sure where to go from here. I feel that all religions, being man made, are therefore like man himself (sorry about the sexism), a mixture of good and bad in varying proportions. Various religions have more of one than the other. If anyone knows different then please let me know.

    I think coming to know our creator has nothing to do with organised religion but is all about being honest, sincere and caring, an alien concept for most (but not all) in the organisation, as it seems to attract largely the unstable and selfish.

    Thanks, yes I will stick around.

  • still wondering
    still wondering

    Jgnat, Nina, Lady Lee

    Thanks for your welcome. I think my belief system has already been messed with and I’m not sure if it has served me well all those years.

    Because I drew my conclusions over a period of many years it was a gradual awakening but what shook me was reading on the internet others’ experiences that mirror mine. So much of what I read I think to myself yes, I felt, saw, heard, experienced just that.

    I thought I was the odd one out because I couldn’t fit all the pieces together. I now realise that no one can fit the pieces together, some just pretend they can.

    My wife (baptised over 30 years) has come to the same conclusions. The only family I need worry about is our daughter. I have been open with her as I’ve come to these conclusions and so far she hasn’t expressed an opinion either way.

    I’m not sure where to go from here. I feel that all religions, being man made, are therefore like man himself (sorry about the sexism), a mixture of good and bad in varying proportions. Various religions have more of one than the other. If anyone knows different then please let me know.

    I think coming to know our creator has nothing to do with organised religion but is all about being honest, sincere and caring, an alien concept for most (but not all) in the organisation, as it seems to attract largely the unstable and selfish.

    Thanks, yes I will stick around.

    (i think i put my last replyin the wrong place)

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