what did you do first

by nytelecom1 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • nytelecom1

    what did you do first?

    contributing to the 4/10 of the world worldwide work


    going out in service

  • blondie

    Hey, ny, help out a "weaker vessel" and expand on this. Thanks.:):):)

  • nytelecom1

    oops forgot to put the word stop

    ok.........after realising your doubts with the org what did you do first.....the society says that the first usual sign of an apostate is to stop going out in service.....I would imagine that the first sign would be to stop contributing....after all money is money and why give to something you have little or no faith in

  • slipnslidemaster

    I NEVER contributed. I would never do that. Pissed me off after the "donation" arrangement changed.

    But the service thing. I hated service. I hated it so bad. I pretended to knock. Pretended to ring the bell. Waited about 10 seconds before they were "not at home". Kept shitty records.

    God, that sucked.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right."
    - Henry Ford

  • josephus


    i thought i was the only one to pretend to ring bells!!

    did you ever hide at a door only to have it open on you ?



  • Englishman

    Stopped going to meetings so I could watch "Z Cars" instead.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • philo

    I told the PO I didn't want to be a MS anymore. Other elders told me I should stay on, despite having 'doubts'. Next thing, I had a call from the secretary, did i want to cancel my regualar contribution order. I thought for a few seconds and said "yes please". I never went on FS again.


  • Mulan

    I resigned from the Ministry school. The school overseer was in on what we were learning, so he only said he would miss my talks, because they had information the congregation wouldn't get otherwise. That was true, but I was never "called on the carpet" for my insights. Hmmm.

    I continued to turn in time for two years, but never went out!!! I wonder how many others do that?

    I was gradually stopping meeting attendance too, but my husband was an elder, also like me in knowing the truth, but he was trying to be a "force for good". HE would get really angry with me for missing a meeting, and said I was making it very hard for him, when his wife wasn't there. Tough!!! I couldn't do it. Ultimately, he couldn't continue either, and resigned, then went to Japan to work for two months, and came back with a beard. Hahahaha. That was so great. I missed almost every meeting while he was gone, and then he comes home with a beard. Boy, the gossip mongers were really hot!!

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • Seeker4

    Mulan, how are you?

    I also turned in time for a couple of years even though I never went house to house during htat time. Actually, when the change came out in the Watchtower in 1995, about the generation, even though I went out in service some after that, I NEVER offered any WTS literature after that point. I felt more like I should be apologizing for what we'd been telling them over the years!

    I was always talking with people about the Bible, Jesus, etc. just in normal conversations, but to be honest, most of this was really anti-Witness, and this during that two years before I officially told the brothers I wouldn't be handing in any more time.

    Contributions? They probably went first.

  • slipnslidemaster

    Mulan, I used to pretend to count time too. I had 2 hours and 2 mags on my sheet for months and months.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right."
    - Henry Ford

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