Sad news story...where were the angels?

by truth_about_the_truth 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truth_about_the_truth
    8 die in separate accidents
    by Edwin Nyirongo, 17 August 2005 - 06:33:25

    Four Jehovah’s Witnesses died and 19 others are fighting for their lives at Nkhata Bay District Hospital after the lorry they were travelling in crushed into a bridge at Liuzi River near Tukombo on Monday.
    The members were coming from Dwangwa where they went to attend a church service and were heading to Nkhata Bay.
    In Ntcheu four people died while one is admitted at Balaka District Hospital after being involved in an accident at Kabwazi in the district.
    Northern Region police spokesperson John Namalenga and Nkhata Bay hospital confirmed the Tukombo incident. Namalenga said the vehicle, a Daihatsu lorry registration number KK 85, was overspeeding.
    “When the lorry reached Liuzi Bridge near Tukombo, the driver failed to control it and jumped out of the vehicle together with a passenger that was in the front seat. The vehicle hit a pillar of the bridge and crushed completely,” he said.
    The driver of the lorry, Lloyd Maseko 31, of Lebunya Village, TA Kachindamoto in Dedza, was found on Tuesday with bruises on the face and a swollen left leg.
    He was taken to Nkhata Bay police for questioning, according to Namalenga.
    An anaesthetic clinical officer at Nkhata Bay District Hospital Austin Chomo said 14 of the victims were admitted at the hospital but five were referred to Mzuzu Central Hospital.
    “The conditions of the five were not good and we [sent] them to the referral hospital to get better treatment,” he said.
    Three of the dead are from the same family. They are Tambulani Chirwa, Tanangachi Chirwa and Patricia Chirwa. The fourth one is Wyness NyaLongwe.
    According to police, the lorry carried 52 people.
    In Ntcheu, a Toyota Land Cruiser registration number BM 9577 was overtaking two lorries before hitting the first which was turning. The Land Cruiser overturned three times, killing four people, according to Ntcheu Police Station public relations officer Gift Matewere.
    He said the four bodies are at Balaka District Hospital awaiting identification.

    Remember all those stories about how the angels protected Jehovahs people from physical harm while engaging in 'spiritual activities'? it sure appears as it these JWs died while going to a convention doesn't it?

    What happened here? The angels were on vacation?

    Of course, you'll never see this news article published in the WT magazine. Altho if the situation was reversed the 4 JWs survived this crash, I can guarantee you that it would be in a future issue stating that this is evidence that Jehovah protects his people.

    "time and unforseen occurance" or "Jehovahs protection". Choose one.

    You cant have it both ways.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Why dont you just concentrate on the fact that this was a tragic accident..and forget the barbed comments.Sheesh.

  • peacefulpete

    The story is tragic and the question was legitamate. I remember having questions like that myself. When JWs died in Rwanda along side the "worldly", I asked myself why there was no hint of favoritism. When JWs starved in Africa (reported in yearbook) the strong survived by boiling bark, I asked myself but why did Jehovah not provide? Our PO at the time was also struck with these issues. It was painfully obvious that either we had to assume that the JWs were unfaithful or that Jehovah broke his promise not to 'forsake' the 'righteous' nor allow his 'offspring beg bread'. I discussed my questions about how to interpret matt 6:33 with some who were like us and sacrificing much, but quickly was rebuffed with responses like "Trust in Jehovah" or "Trust in the Society". In our experiences we saw missionaries die in car crashes and sickness (one woman died because her medication was stolen from her tent when she was preaching) when a simple intervention would have saved them. Eventually I came to terms with this and so many other evidences that JWs were not in any way favored nor shielded from tragedy and the price of poor planning.

  • the_classicist

    My favourite Arabic proverb is applicable here: "Trust in God, but tie up your camel."

  • Jeffro

    The Society's response to this kind of thing is (Awake 8 February 2002):

    God Does According To His Own Will

    Should Christians expect God to rescue them miraculously in every case of impending disaster? The Bible record does not support such an expectation.

    Of course, Jehovah God could choose to intervene directly in behalf of any of his servants. And if anyone believes that he has escaped harm by divine intervention, he should not be criticized. But when Jehovah chooses not to intervene, it should never be taken as a sign of his displeasure.

    This kind of response adds insult to injury. If in a disaster one Witness survives and another doesn't, the survivor "should not be criticized" for 'believing they escaped harm by divine intervention'?? I'm sure the friends and relatives of the person that died would feel terrific hearing that. I doubt they would be placated by hearing that it was more important for God's will that only one survived. Maybe the survivor was more likely to bring people into the 'truth', and the other had below-average hours.

    Should a non-Witness also "not be criticized" for thinking they have experienced divine intervention?

  • skyman

    One night there was a fire in a petrolium storage facility by the Hall the police had baricades up and vacated the area around the hall. The PO called and told all us that Jehovah would not let the place blow up while meeting was going on. To say the least my family did not go to meeting. Those that went had to drive around the baricades. The police asked the brothers to leave the meeting but the PO said Jehovah will protect us and we will not leave. It made me sick if it would of blown many brother and sister might of died. I was suppost to give the #1 talk that night so the PO had a little fit that I did not go and told me I was not faithful under trial.

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