Check out Tree of Woe (please, pretty please)

by HadEnuf 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • HadEnuf

    Dear fellow forum son's band, Tree of Woe, has a new album out, "Mushroom Cloud". They are currently in rotation on four radio stations; 3 in WI and 1 in MN. They have also updated their website,
    and have their album for sale on their site. They are getting some pretty good reviews...they are also listed on the Indie site at

    September 18 they'll be playing here in Stevens Point at the band shell with 3 other alternative rock bands. If you live in central WI...come give them a listen. There is more information on this show and others on their new and improved website.

    If anyone has a chance to listen to them on the website or just look it over...let me know what you think. You can also e-mail a request (doesn't matter if you don't live in MN...just getting the requests helps the band) to Artist: Tree of Woe Song: "Mushroom Cloud".

    Thank you for your support...cathy l. "Shameless Kid Promotions" HA!

  • ButtLight

    Hi mum! I already have that dang song stuck in my head, since I bought the cd! But its a great song, and I love it. I would love to come hear them play!!!!!!!!! Count me in!

  • HadEnuf

    oh my faithful little butt. You and your beloved should come and we can all party afterwards or something. I have checked the weather gods and they told me they will not curse that day with rain, hail or tornado's. (Or is it TORNADOES, POTATOES? TOMATOES?)

    OH NO...I am having flashbacks of the 1st Annual Apostabeercheesetornadofest!!

    Big hug...cathy

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