Tell me about "JW United" and Chuck McManigal

by ezekiel3 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ezekiel3

    Considering the attempted crackdown on unofficial JW websites, what can you tell me about this site?

    Jehovah's Witnesses United

    Who are these JWs who claim "This site is not meant as a substitute for Society literature, but as a further resource for those who would like to 'dig deeper.'"? (

    Chuck McManigal has several essays here along with other pro-JW writers:

    All of this in light of repeated KM articles denoucing such websites: Living with Soundness of Mind in an Electronic Age - KM Part this week

    Anyone personally know these JWs? Any info appreciated.

  • sf

    There are two Mc Manigal's listed in google:

    Chuck Mc Manigal-Coldwell Banker Legacy Realtors (there is a photo on his website; which is an easy search thru google as well).

    Charles W. Mc Manigal-an attorney in Iowa.

    JW United is maintained and mastered by James Long:

    Jehovah's Witnesses United
    "For those who are interested in a new level of Jehovah's Witnesses resources, I welcome you to Jehovah's Witnesses United. It is my goal to provide current information as it relates to Jehovah's Witnesses and to provide resources concerning related issues. So, please take a look around and enjoy yourself." Maintained by James Long

  • sf

    According to this, it seems that James Long is actual owner, not webmaster.

  • Eyebrow2


    You know...I do like the set up of that site..very easy to use, etc....

    I was looking for an email contact...I wanted to send an email and ask...don't you know the big boys in Brooklyn FROWN upon this sort of thing?

    I wonder if a JW webmaster is allowed to count the time he puts the content together hahah.

  • inquirer

    I think the Watchtower is crazy for not letting JW rank and file have websites that support the "true religion."

    If they were paranoid that they (the website authors) would be heretics, they should track a big list of web sites that are "authentic" and hire people to look after them every now and then.

    Or! Tell people to ignore sites that "sway away from the truth."

    Everything should be monitored! Who knows what the JW's say when they go out preaching by themselves door-to-door! They could be part time apostates! So why do they not apply this to web sites?

    It's all about faith but also about quality control.

    Think smart and practical about everything! :) BTW, these are just some suggestions, not necessarily concrete ideas I have.

  • M@el5trom

    I wanted to setup a JW website when I was "in". I was told that it wouldn't be a good idea. My thought was that if you search for Jehovah's Witness, it is a list (except for the top listing) full of "apostate" websites. The thinking at the time was that if there are brothers or sisters that have web skills and could get their "truth upholding" sites ranked highly, it could help offset that, and offer both "sides" of the story.

    I was told to wait on the Society. Well, they still only have one listing in the top 10, and without checking, I'd bet the other 9 are not in support of JWs.

  • Oroborus21


    out of curiousity, about what year were you looking at doing that and when were you told that?


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