by Blueblades 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    A Priest said: "When you add up all the things that Jesus spoke about in the Gospels it comes to TWO HOURS". However he said," it was his deeds that counted more than his words".

    Did you ever hear that before! I did not put it to the test and read the Red Letter Bible to confirm this, have you? I suppose that it don't make a different at all to some, but, that would be amazing! Just 'Two Hours' of his words to believe and make a life and death decision as to whether or not his words impact your future existence.


  • Honesty

    Jesus made it so simple that a small child could hear the Gospel and act on it within minutes. Many adults listened, professed faith in Jesus and were martyrd within hours. Fox's Book of Martyrs has eyewitness accounts of Roman guards converting to Christianity while escorting their prisoners to the arenas where they were put to death along with the prisoner when they proclaimed their new found faith. The real Good News is powerful and can change lives almost instantly.

  • Oroborus21

    Actually, the implication is inaccurate. For example at one time Jesus addressed a large crowd that had come to visit him for so long that the time had gone and he was reluctant to dismiss them without sustenance. Thus he performed the miracle of the loaves and fishes.

    As the bible says not everything that Jesus said or did was recorded for posterity thus it is trite to say that all of his earthly sayings only amounts to about 2 hrs (presumably if these were to be read out loud?)

    During his ministry period which most put at 3 1/2 years but others shorten, Jesus must have spoken for many many days and months worth of time.

    The Bible is only the record of God's revelation to Mankind it itself is not that revelation.


  • jaffacake
    Actually, the implication is inaccurate.

    What was recorded in the Bible adds up to this time. The Bible stresses he said and did so much more, but what was recorded was all that we need. It is a very simple message.

    (John 21:25) 25

    There are, in fact, many other things also which Jesus did, which, if ever they were written in full detail, I suppose, the world itself could not contain the scrolls written.

  • Terry
    (John 21:25) 25 There are, in fact, many other things also which Jesus did, which, if ever they were written in full detail, I suppose, the world itself could not contain the scrolls written.

    The finest example of a self-refuting passage in the Bible!

    Like everything else, pure hyperbole!

    What is heaven like? "Eye has not seen and ear has not heard..." blah blah blah.

    Evidence of lack of imagination and lapsing back into a cop-out.

    SOMEBODY please give me just one clear example of DATA contained in Jesus words that would be scientifically unknown in his day and time, yet, proved now.

    Just one.


  • confusedjw
    SOMEBODY please give me just one clear example of DATA contained in Jesus words that would be scientifically unknown in his day and time, yet, proved now.

    Red at night sailor's delight, red in the morning sailor take warning. Best prediction of sunshine I've ever seen. True every (92.4%) time.

    p.s. This doesn't mean I believe in the bible or even God actually - just giving the closest thing to an answer of Terry's question.

  • the_classicist
    SOMEBODY please give me just one clear example of DATA contained in Jesus words that would be scientifically unknown in his day and time, yet, proved now.

    Your demand is impossible since the the books of the Bible aren't books of science.

  • Oroborus21


    No Angel is Agnostic,

    Nor Any Demon Atheist,

    Only Man in His Sublime Arrogance

    Demands of His Maker



  • Terry


    No Angel is Agnostic,

    Nor Any Demon Atheist,

    Only Man in His Sublime Arrogance

    Demands of His Maker



    Man, supposedly made in the "image of god" craves his maker's embrace with heart-breaking pleas at the point of sorrow only to find his grasp empty and a lonely cold wind blowing across the surface of his belief.


  • troucul


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