
by tsunami_rid3r 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    she doesnt necessarily mean it.

  • stillajwexelder

    Thankyou then start kissing her and let nature take its natural course

  • GetBusyLiving

    Build her a cake or something.


  • tsunami_rid3r

    if she says i love in a voicemal message, or in a goodbye, or in AIM?

    lol i went to my schools fish camp, and all the fish were split up into groups, and just the chick was one of my group leaders. i just ever got a real love you from a girl, and so i've just shrugged off all the love you's. but fish camp was great, im so ready for college now.

    so many hot girls. and rejection is nothing lol. its just like jehovahs witness door knocking. except i get a lot of yes. my cabin mates were awesome, it felt like i found my close group of friends, but we were so diverse it was so cool. me and this dude shared a blow drier and me and this other dude played frisbee just in the middle of the night. and then all of did crazy shit at night.

    i feel kinda different now. more confident.

  • ButtLight

    Usually its "I love you too!"

  • prophecor

    Enjoi the moment

  • LittleToe

    Some lasses say "love ya" or put kisses at the end of messages, out of habit.

    If this is the lass that you've been obsessing over, would ya PLEASE (I beg of ya, for the love of God!!!) get over it!

    Alternatively put it to the test, and insist on your undying love - maybe that way she'll do the deed for ya!

  • GetBusyLiving

    If she said it in AIM, it means nothing. If she said in a phone message, "love ya!" it probably means nothing. If she told you she loves you as shes leaving you in person.. she's leading you on, unless she really thinks she loves you. In this case, she is wrong.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    im not obsessing over it, i met lots of chicks at the camp.

  • damselfly

    just ask her what she meant by it.

    what kind of camp where you at?


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