Advice on how to put enmity between the snake (org) and the woman (wife)

by Check_Your_Premises 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Check_Your_Premises

    I have noticed that most become open to leaving the org when they have a bad experience with some member. The real kicker is when the elders treat them like crap over the incident.

    I have thought alot about the possibility of engineering a situation whereby my jw spouse could feel the love of the organization. I know that might sound a little underhanded, but I figure it is no more underhanded then using mind control techniques and lies to harm my family.

    So I basically have two marks. One is a super sister pioneer who is always checking up on my wife when she doesn't meet her meeting/service requirements. She is a total know it all, and is very nosy and condescending. The other one is a better opportunity, but it is also a little harder to control. There is a ms who obviously has the hots for my wife. I don't want anything creepy or bad to happen to her, but I do think he could be counted on to do something stupid that I could work with here.

    Any ideas of how I could use these two marks? Any ideas on how a difficult situation could be encouraged? Basically anything that would bring unjustified hostility to myself, my wife, my children would be perfect (and causes absolutely NO HARM to any of them)

    What were your eye opening experiences, or others that you saw? How did they play out. How could they be engineered?

    Be creative! This is brainstorming! No dumb ideas rejected!

  • Check_Your_Premises
  • kls
    I know that might sound a little underhanded, but I figure it is no more underhanded then using mind control techniques and lies to harm my family.

    Its not underhanded ,at least not anything more then i wouldn't do . You do seem to be changing your way of thinking i have noticed ,from research to underhandedness which i usually the next step when all else fails .

    I have no idea how you would pull this off but it would have to happen more then once for her to even get the idea that she is being treated badly.

    I have done many things through the years and do what ever will help ,and be proud that you are the glue .

  • jgnat

    I don't need to help them. The stupid stuff just comes bursting out of them. I guess that's what happens when a person arrogantly believes they are the only humble people on the planet. My hubby usually tells me about the offence a day or two afterwards, after my hubby suffers through some sleepless nights.

    I figure, just wait. The finesse will be in helping your wife to acknowledge that the behaviour was unacceptable and must not be tolerated. Help her work through what an appropriate response would be. That is, SHE should confront the person and explain how their behaviour hurt her. If they are unrepentant, THEN she can invite the person to come along to the elders to work it out. That is the bible advice.

    Of course, the JW advice is skewed. JW's are told to tolerate the bad behaviour because "everybody is imperfect." Or go and snitch on the elders behind the person's back.

  • jgnat

    Oh, this worked quite well. I called an MS for some domestic advice, and the poor man made a total botch of it. He also was seriously irritated that he was put on the spot. My hubby got a serious tongue lashing about keeping his own house in order.

    Stuff like that?

  • Finally-Free
    One is a super sister pioneer who is always checking up on my wife when she doesn't meet her meeting/service requirements.

    This pioneer™ sister™ has undoubtedly been assigned to your wife by the elders. They call it their "pioneer™ assist others program". I was once assigned to assist™ some "weak ones". The pioneer™ doesn't give a shit about your wife. She's doing it because she's told to. She also counts her time and counts your wife as a "return visit". She also reports back to the elders about your wife's "progress". I hope your wife realizes this.

    As for the MS who has the hots for your wife, I wouldn't reccomend trying to precipitate anything. Too many uncontrollable variables.


  • Check_Your_Premises
    Stuff like that?


    See, I just don't know the ugly side of the dubs well enough to know the cause-effect chain of bad behaviour. They just keep so much of that hidden from me. How do I get them to treat her, me, the kids like crap is basically what I am asking.

  • Check_Your_Premises
    Too many uncontrollable variables.

    Yeah, that is why that one is so difficult. So much opportunity, so many bad possibilities!

  • kls
    Yeah, that is why that one is so difficult. So much opportunity, so many bad possibilities!

    CYP , you learn to take the bad in stride and go to the next step . Trust me ,as time goes on you will become more and more clever and if it doesn't work, you go on to the next. You never know unless you keep trying.

  • jgnat

    Yeah! Asking them to provide "shepherding" advice like a regular pastor is always fun. Elders are not so much trained to encourage and build up the flock as to catch them in the bad stuff. Besides that, they have a gruelling schedule of talks to prepare and meetings to attend beyond the regular JW schedule. They are supposed to to all this as unsalaried lay-people while providing a roof for their family and other fatherly responsibilities. They are some of the busiest people on the planet.

    So keep asking for advice, for visits, lots of stuff. It annoys the heck out of the Elders here.

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