President Confuses Science and Belief, Puts Schoolchildren at Risk

by hawkaw 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • hawkaw

    President Confuses Science and Belief, Puts Schoolchildren at Risk

    WASHINGTON - "President Bush, in advocating that the concept of 'intelligent design' be taught alongside the theory of evolution, puts America's schoolchildren at risk," says Fred Spilhaus, Executive Director of the American Geophysical Union. "Americans will need basic understanding of science in order to participate effectively in the 21st century world. It is essential that students on every level learn what science is and how scientific knowledge progresses."

    In comments to journalists on August 1, the President said that "both sides ought to be properly taught." "If he meant that intelligent design should be given equal standing with the theory of evolution in the nation's science classrooms, then he is undermining efforts to increase the understanding of science," Spilhaus said in a statement. "'Intelligent design' is not a scientific theory." Advocates of intelligent design believe that life on Earth is too complex to have evolved on its own and must therefore be the work of a designer. That is an untestable belief and, therefore, cannot qualify as a scientific theory."

    "Scientific theories, like evolution, relativity and plate tectonics, are based on hypotheses that have survived extensive testing and repeated verification," Spilhaus says. "The President has unfortunately confused the difference between science and belief. It is essential that students understand that a scientific theory is not a belief, hunch, or untested hypothesis."

    "Ideas that are based on faith, including 'intelligent design,' operate in a different sphere and should not be confused with science. Outside the sphere of their laboratories and science classrooms, scientists and students alike may believe what they choose about the origins of life, but inside that sphere, they are bound by the scientific method," Spilhaus said.

    AGU is a scientific society, comprising 43,000 Earth and space scientists. It publishes a dozen peer reviewed journal series and holds meetings at which current research is presented to the scientific community and the public.

    (As much as I fully support the Administration in the long War On Terror I am glad an important mainstream scientific society is taking the President to task on his comment - hawk)

  • SixofNine

    Hawkaw, can I ask you a question? I mean this in all sincerity, so please take in the spirit that it is asked

  • EvilForce

    ****President Confuses Science and Belief, Puts Schoolchildren at Risk

    Yes the Prez has a hard time sorting Science (provable fact) with belief (fakery)

    Hmmm....imagine that a Prez who can't figure out fact from fiction when it comes to Iraq.

    The War on Terror?!? Come on....we have a war on "terror"? I suggest you turn FOX news off and delve into more fact/fiction issues this Prez has.

  • Gopher
    the President said that "both sides ought to be properly taught"

    This kind of speech plays to Bush's conservative base. I don't know how serious the threat is that any major change will result from Bush's agenda.

    Whenever I heard about the theory of evolution in school, I never heard the biology teacher discuss questions regarding whether or not God exists or was involved in the development of life.

    Actually this "both sides" wording ignores the fact that among people who believe in a God/Creator, there are a multitude of beliefs. Consider Native Americans, eastern Asians, Africans and those from other cultures who sit in a classroom -- is THEIR culture's belief about God and the origin of creation ever addressed?

    Obviously there are more than "two sides" to the origin question. I find it highly suspicious that the leading public official of a free land would try to push one brand of a religious view into his country's classrooms.

    Let science teachers concentrate on the science rather than unprovable (but perhaps emotionally satisfying) ideas about who was or wasn't there at the start.

  • SixofNine

    Oops...sorry, got cut off. Where was I? Oh yeah...

    Why do you hate America????

  • EvilForce

    Yes a radical idea I know. Teach SCIENCE in science class. Teach moralistic teachings and the belief in God/Allah/Buddha/Vishnu etc... in church, temple, synagogue, etc. So the children ALREADY are being taught this.

    But what the Religious Right Whack jobs want is for God to be taught to all those "other" heathens that don't go to Church....and particularly THEIR church.

  • Daunt

    I wish debate and critique weren't so forbidden in politics. I'd have quite a good few words with Bush about this. (Get's snatched by the Secret Service.)

  • Swan


    And when they teach about the science of flight, I hope they include the aerodynamics of angels along with airplanes.

    And when they teach about the ocean, please include some safety tips about what to do if it mysteriously parts in the middle.

    And when they teach about the sun, please include some health tips about using extra sunscreen if it happens to stand still.

    And when they teach about our rivers, I wonder if they will have the foresight to tell our children not to drink from them it they turn to blood.

    And when they teach about the human genome, include that even though we share a lot of genetic material with apes, Eve was actually closer to Adam than the local chimps.

    And when we teach about rainfall, lets include what steps we must take to build an ark.

    These will be important "facts" for our children to learn.


  • hawkaw

    6 of 9 ... what the hell are you talking about?

  • EvilForce

    LOL Swan!!! Great post.

    I believe 6of9 is using that because virtually all the conservative radioheads constantly tell their listeners that "liberals" hate America. He's now asking you why you hate America.....shoe is on the other foot now you see?

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