I just met Mary from on line!

by mouthy 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mouthy

    Hey sounds like something brewing????

  • Crumpet

    See how an innocent lunch with a friend can turn into an internet flirting frenzy. True christians would want to keep themselves free from such dangers of this sexually-oriented world by abstaining from lunch with friends and use of internet message boards.


  • Mary
    See how an innocent lunch with a friend can turn into an internet flirting frenzy. True christians would want to keep themselves free from such dangers of this sexually-oriented world by abstaining from lunch with friends and use of internet message boards.

    This is so true. I've already called the elders on Delilah and they are forming a Judicial Committee as I write this. Flirting is only for those who are contemplating marriage with a spiritually mature person. To flirt with someone of the opposite sex when you are not engaged, is playing right into Satan's hand and could bring reproach upon God's name and His Organization. Would we want to be guilty of such a thing? Never! The bible says that we should "flee from flirting" with one another---all the more so as you behold the day drawing near."

  • mouthy


  • delilah

    FOFLMAO @ Crumpet and Mary.....JH, you are absolutely correct my friend I live along thewell known 401 corridor, somewhere in-between........ And you are????? On the east coast???

    Delilah (why did you change your pic????)

  • JH

    I put my picture back

    I live in Quebec....just a country away

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