An elder struggles

by Dogpatch 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat


    Know that I'm praying for you! I'm so glad you've found a place of solace and healing on this board!

    Christian love,

  • bboyneko
    Are we occupying our minds, hearts and souls with seeing the WTBS fall? Are we trying to find eveything wrong with the WTBS?

    What's the point? If we know they are wrong and we have left then how does this build us up as individuals? If we have so much passion or anger cant we redirect it to making a success of ourselves? Making a success of oneself in spite of our beginning is a much greater victory than focusing negative energy isn't it?

    What's the point? The point is they are dominating and controlling others!! I think its amazingly selfish to leave the JW's and then not care anymore. It's like leaving a burning building and not caring at all about the ones still left in the building. The only concern is with saving one's own ass.

    Your loved ones and friends are in a cult!!! You didn't just leave the book of the month club, you left an amazingly destructive cult, one that destroys lives and tears families and friends apart. To say 'Why focus on the negative?' is deceptive. It's not simply 'negative' it is evil. It's like saying 'Why so much hate to the Nazis? You are out of Germany now and living a happy life, why focus on the negative aspects of the Nazi party? Why not focus on yourself instead. I dont understand why there is so much hate towards them. Jesus said to turn the other cheek after all.'

    You may be too naive to realize how destructive and evil the Society is. It is wrong and evil to take someone life with murder, and it is equally wrong to do so by mind control.

    The anger we fell shouldnt be selfishly directed to us. We have saved ourselves already. We can help millions by helping topple the 'tower.


  • jonjonsimons

    You have my sympathies. This past Saturday was the anniversary of my mothers death, so I know how painful it is. I wish you peace on that day and all others. The only bit of help I can offer is to let you know that it does get better with time. It never gets any easier, but somehow with time you will find the place in your heart again that your fathers death left empty.
    take care,

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