Being told the expression "We're All in the Same Boat"

by LongHairGal 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LongHairGal

    I used to hate hearing the expression "we're all in the same boat". Usually it came up in conversation when you were discussing the state of the world and financial affairs, etc.

    I used to particularly hate it when it came from somebody (usually an elder) who had a business and a great deal of money.

    As far as I am concerned, we are NOT all in the same boat. Some are on a luxury yacht, some on an ocean liner, and very many of us are in a little rubber life raft!

  • Finally-Free

    I agree. Most of the time I feel like I'm in a leaky canoe without a paddle or bailing bucket.

    Oh yeah, I can't swim either.

    I used to particularly hate it when it came from somebody (usually an elder) who had a business and a great deal of money.

    This is the same elder who always encouraged young people to clean windows and pioneer too, right?


  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    As far as I am concerned, we are NOT all in the same boat. Some are on a luxury yacht, some on an ocean liner, and very many of us are in a little rubber life raft!

    Thats ok LongHair, Im a little dingy.

  • LongHairGal


    Ha, ha. I see the humor. As long as the little dinghy isn't leaking.

  • sinis

    Actually, I'd rather be on a leaking raft and know it could sink than be with someone who is on the Titanic and disillusioned to believe nothing could happen. Also, when my raft goes down I can safely swim away... try doing that when you have a major liner going down...

  • stillajwexelder

    This is the same elder who always encouraged young people to clean windows and pioneer too, right?

    I was thinking that too!

  • greendawn

    That implies fake sympathy when real solidarity is called for, so that is an act of hypocrisy and shows the lack of real brotherhood in an org that claims to be totally christian and apostolic in its mentality, and puts great demands on its members.

    They obviously failed to build real brotherly trust and solidarity among their members as one expects from an apostolic like church. Suspicion and mistrust predominate as everywhere else in the "satanic" world plus you have here all the severe demands from the FDS.

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    Well, the rich people of my old cong NEVER shared! They seemed to stick together by income level, you know you can go away weekends and eat out together after the meetings.

    out of the box

  • upside/down

    I used to be in a little wooden skiff...doing fine...

    Then I invited these cult members in and they had a cordless drill... and all I had was a small bucket.

    Seems they could drill faster than I could bail...

    The good news... I could swim and bailed out and made it to shore... they can't swim...

    u/d(of the don't be afraid of the water class)

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    people who use expressions like "we're all in the same boat" are unsympathetic, ignorant people. even if two people experience similar circumstances, the way they receive and feel those circumstances is usually very different.

    bethel minute

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