Why are they witnesses

by joelbear 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • joelbear

    1. Their family dynamics require it.

    2. They are old and its too late to jump ship now.

    3. It allows them to think they are special.

    4. They are sheltered by a fake brotherhood community around them.

    add more?

  • misanthropic

    They can't find anything else to fill their time with.

  • SwordOfJah

    joelbear and misanthropic:

    I'm sorry to say that these reasons are not realistic for over 6 million people. It might be the feeling of some, but not the majority.

    I am a Witness because:

    1. I love Jehovah God for giving me life even in imperfection, for giving me my perfect companion in my wife, for giving me my beautiful son and for giving his son for a sinner such as myself.

    2. I also love being around the brotherhood. I know that some of you feel it to be fake, but I have not experienced this. I think the brotherhood is a two way street, and one has to chip in also in order to be loved.

    3. I have not found another religion to hold the basic truths that Witnesses teach.

    my 2 cents...and sorry for interrupting your thread...

  • joelbear

    1. Blindly need to thank Jehovah for everything good and blame Satan for everything bad.

    2. Fear having their opinions and beliefs challenged so are more comfortable around those that agree with them on everything.

    3. By into a few basic beliefs and don't feel like thinking about more complex issues.

  • stopthepain

    To each his own.I feel it has to do with feeling unloved and having bad experiences that drive you to whats seems to be the
    "perfect religion".

  • Crumpet

    Sword of jah you said:

    I also love being around the brotherhood.

    I just wondered, without having read your previous posts, have you experienced any long time association outside of teh brotherhood. When I was there I did believe it was safe and everyone was trust worthy. But the friends I have made since I left ones that have lasted from the days before I left until now - which is a good 14 years, have been much more loyal and stood by me through everything in a way even my own parents couldn't.

    My intention is not to criticise at all - only to ask what yoru experience is.

    crumpet x

  • lisavegas420

    I don't know about "they"

    but for me,,,I was a witness......

    1. because my parents were

    2. because my parents told me that was what I was supposed to be

    3. fear of leaving

    4. guilt about leaving


  • misanthropic

    SwordOfJah, Im sorry if you're taking offense. I used to feel like you, but that was long before I joined this forum. Besides this is just a fun little exercise, I don't expect everyone to agree with what I think. But then that is what makes people different!

  • Honesty

    1. Because they are afraid that the WatchTower God will destroy them if they leave. 2. Because they have not examined other beliefs except through the WatchTower's eyes.

    3. Because they can not conceive an awesome and great God composed of three identities. Instead they have 2 gods, Jehovah and Jesus (see NWT John 1:1). They are polytheistic instead of monotheistic. 4. Because they are afraid of dying even though they say they aren't. Just listen to them go on and on and on and on and on about how they hope to survive Armageddon. 5. Because it takes faith to believe Jesus when they can see the visible organisation and that is where their faith really lies. 6. Because Satan will not let them go. 7. Because if they leave the cult most of their family and friends will shun them and they are afraid to be really alone in the world because they don't have the love of Christ in them to be a victor. 8. Because they can feel superior to every non-JW since thay are in a 'saved condition' and every one else is doomed to destruction by their God. 9. Because they have been brainwashed into believing the Governing Body of JW's has been appointed by God to speak to mankind even though their track record of prophesying sucks.

    10. Because many of them work for or with other JW's and if they leave their paycheck will be in jeopardy.

  • jillbedford

    1. Because the WTBS tells them they have to be.

    2, Because they are lulled into a false sense of security around their of dub friends.

    3. Because they have been amnipulated into a marriage with another dub and feel they can't leave.

    4. Because they have been impregnated by the dub husband and now have dub children also depending on them.

    5. Because they are afraid to think for themselves.

    6. Because they fear they will live ouside God's love and protection. (Another source of mindcontrol by WTBS)

    7. Because leaving will leave one all alone, for a while, as you can have no non-dub friends or family.

    8. Because of mis-application of scripture, "where else are we to go".

    9. Because of lack of education.

    10. Because of the comfort zone factor.

    Any other thoughts? Fascinating thread.

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