What's your best feature?

by JH 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • DelTheFunkyHomosapien
    my boobs
    rebel, please provide some documentation for your assertion.

    Seconded. No good making baseless claims without evidence.

  • Frog

    my flippers I guess...?! actually no, today I would have to say my hat:)

  • LouBelle

    different people think different things. * Some say my eyes. *Some say my voice (sexy voice but I don't think so) *Some love my hair. *Some say my cleavage (there was this one guy I thought he was saying nasty things about me, meantime he was verbally admiring my cleavage to his mate - I had to ask).

    Personally I hate my nose, my lips are too small. Could lose a few extra pounds (well that is being delt with at the mo in the most severe mannor - inner thigh muscles are killing me today) But I'm a great person.

  • ColdRedRain

    I's have to say my ass. But I've been commented on my abs too.

  • PaulJ

    Well Ive got footballers legs- which is good, so im told.

  • kwintestal
    MY O MY...what a BIG tounge you haaaave!

    In the words of the Big Bad Wolf in the classic tale, Little Red Riding Hood, "All the better to eat you with, my dear!"

    LMAO!!! Get the double meaning there! Ha! HA!


    LOL!!! I can just see Mrs.Kwin's face..... oh dear....

    Ok, lets quickly burry this thread so Mrs. Kwin doesn't see it!


  • damselfly
    Ok, lets quickly burry this thread so Mrs. Kwin doesn't see it!

    I'm gonna telllllllllllllllllllll

    I don't have pics to show , so you'll have to believe that it's all good.


  • shera

    Love that picture Kwin.

    Looks as if an elder was asking you, "whats on that tongue boy"? lol

    Kwint replies, 'it's a thmartie, thir'. S


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    i am my best feature but i have been told that i have sexy eyes

    luv, jojo (of the finally have self esteem class)

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Sorry fella but i reckon you got no arse.

    And are you a frequent critic on MENS asses, my friend?

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