
by penton 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • penton

    After meeting a wonderful fella who also is JW. I've never felt this way about anyone before in my life. The only thing is i don't know if its possible for us to have a stable relationship, as i am R.C, not actually i'm Irish Roman Catholic which is a little bit "stricter". I just wanted to ask in the hope that there is a sucess story were two were able to have a relationship even though they weren't the same religion. Please be as constructive as poss!

  • Elsewhere

    The bottom line is this: If you do not convert to the JW religion, your relationship will be a living hell.

    JW's believe they are the one and only *true* religion and that all other religions are satanic in nature... including yours. He has not admitted it to you yet, but deep down he believes you are a satanist.

  • damselfly

    A relationship will be possible to a point. However, it will be negative, hurtful destructive and harmful to all involved. Especially if there are children. Please reconsider.


  • kls

    If you want happiness in your life and true love then a jw is not for you . If you want someone married to a cult that gives it's love to a organization that hates all other religions ,a jw is not for you.

    If you want a real life with a real person that can truly love you ,then look else where and don't get trapped into the jws cult .

  • greendawn

    It is doomed since the jws have very strong views about the RC calling them, the worst part of the whore known as babylon the great, due to their extremist views things will be hard on any future relationship.

  • damselfly

    You and any future children will always be last in line after the organization. Loyality will be to them not to you.


  • riotgirlpeeps

    And truthfully thats the constructive advice.

    Anyone outside of having been in it would not fully understand, it really is a kiss of death to any relationship.

    My Fiance jokes that if I ever tell him that I want to be a jw again that he should take that as a sign the relationship is over.

    Sadly its very true.

    (PS No intention of ever being a jw again anyhow, besides I've gained the world for leaving)

  • Legolas

    Welcome Pento!! Well what everyone's saying is true...JW are not allowed to date "wordly" people. If he has family in the truth it will not go over well for them. It will cause much heart ache for all of them.

  • not the administrator
    not the administrator

    well you dont really have to worry about him going out on you. he wont lay up drunk or blow all the money on drugs. you wont have to buy him Christmas presents or bitch about him not showering. if he works days you also get to get rid of him a couple nights a week while hes at the meetings. if his parents are witnesses you dont have to worry about them coming over all the time.he'll have a 4 door car that you can take your friends out in. any arguments you have you can tell him so what were all going to die soon or even better tell him if he dont do something you want him to do your going to tell the elders you caught him watching animal porn and he dresses up like a girl on mondays.

    you could have alot of fun with it i think

  • talesin

    Welcome to the board, penton.

    Interesting handle. Have you read James Penton's books?

    All the above comments are true. Your partner's loyalty will always be to the JWs first, and they will do everything within their power to convert you! If you have children, that is when the real trouble will begin ... imagine your 5 yo coming home from the Kingdumb Hall and saying "why don't you want to live with us in Paradise? Jehovah says you worship Satan!"


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