if you think YOU'RE having a bad day....then read this

by kittyeatzjdubs 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    From those photos it looks as though a porcupine can always win in a battle with a dog however vicious and determined the dog may be.

    If I remeber well the pit bulls were banned in England as a dangerous breed of dog along with Japanese Tosa.

  • freedom96

    When an intelligent person takes time to study the facts, they will come to the conclusion that pit bulls are highly dangerous.

    The facts don't lie.

    Now, we can sit around and act foolish, and pretend that pit bulls are so friendly, and would never hurt a fly. I have seen too much with those dogs, and I won't be around them. Simple as that.

    I will not go into someones home that has one, and I certainly would never let my children be there either. Commen sense folks. For those who disagree, thank God you aren't raising my kids.

  • kwintestal

    I agree with you Jojo! Bad owners make bad dogs, no matter the breed. Some bad owners are however attracted to a certain breed which gives the dog a bad name.

    I loved my pitbull, and even when it was hit by a car with a broken leg and pelvis it refused to snap at me. When I was carrying it into the vet's office with this pain and I shifted its weight and it yelped in agony, it didn't bite or snap. It was a very loyal and affectionate dog.


  • orbison11

    hhmm, we had a bad pit bull attack here last year, a couple of hundred stitches,,,,,,do you think my shis tzu would be capable of doing that? or as you say a lab? i think not

    >------- i could take a labrador retriever and turn it into a vicious animal --your quote

  • ozziepost


    OK, OK this is a discussion forum. Attack the message, not the messenger.

    There is a 'nicer' way of making your point. I'm sure that police training includes that, eh?


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