Naturapaths (sp?)

by DelTheFunkyHomosapien 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mulan
    What do you think humans used to treat their ailments before your friendly neighbourhood pharmacy came into the picture? What do think modern medicine is based on? Aspirin for example.........from the bark of a willow tree.

    Valium..............from the Valerian plant.

    Ephedrine, from Ma Huang (Chinese Ephedra).

    Pharmaceutical companies can't make any money off of patents, from something occurring in nature, so they alter it a bit, and patent it. Voila! Drugs.

    Some of the comments about herbs and homeopathy are silly, people. Your ignorance is showing. Don't comment on a subject you know nothing about, please.

  • talesin

    In the area where I grew up, there was a chiropractor who also practiced 'naturopathy'. He was NOT an ND (isn't that quite a recent official designation?) Many of the JWs in our area went to him for healing. I think it was because of their distrust of doctors. He did some harm to folks, there is no doubt in my mind! I remember being sick at conventions, and having him 'adjust' my neck. lol, it never helped any of my illnesses, and creeped me out beyond belief.

    I have one friend who still suffers from a childhood problem which could have been corrected by surgery, but who was taken to said chiro for 'adjustments' instead. Now, he suffers a lot of pain because of this neglect.

    That being said, I feel that combining western medicine with REAL homeopathy and naturopathy is the best way to go. Look at Deepak Chopra, endocrinologist and former Chief of Staff at one of Boston's leading hospitals. He seems to think homeopathic medicine is the way to go, after many years of working within the medical hierarchy and studying of the 'old' medicines as well ... hmmm.

    As Mulan says, the drug companies have taken many natural substances and synthesized them just to make a buck. Hey, now they have come up with a synthetic form of marijuana so that we can PAY THEM to get it instead of simply growing our own! They admit it is a useful drug, but feel the need to 'regulate' it. Yeah, right!!! How ridiculous is that???


  • bikerchic
    Some of the comments about herbs and homeopathy are silly, people. Your ignorance is showing. Don't comment on a subject you know nothing about, please.

    I concur Mulan!

  • Satanus

    Yes, i was being silly. If some people took my comment seriously and got confused, then i apologise. I was smoking and/or drinking some things at the time. That's my excuse, and i'm sticking to it.


  • Mulan
    In the area where I grew up, there was a chiropractor who also practiced 'naturopathy'. He was NOT an ND (isn't that quite a recent official designation?)

    It's not new in this country. My father got his ND in the 50's.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    My son Jackson has asthma and eczema. We consulted a naturopath who recommended spirulina, Udo's oil, and a couple of other items (forgive me, early Alzheimer's has hit!). We started this in early June and the change has been tremendous. His immune system has improved dramatically, as well as his asthma. Whereas before we were doing nebulizer treatments almost daily, since early June we've had to do nebulizer only 3 or 4 times. He was getting constantly sick, almost always on antibiotics or (worse) steroids. Hasn't been sick once in 2 months.

    Additionally he was getting these odd skin rashes, almost like an allergic reaction for no apparent reason. Since we've started the naturopath treatment those have vanished.

    I realize I sound like some kind of commercial ("I was a 3 bird a day pussy cat till I tried ...") but I've been very impressed with how well he's responded and I just wanted to pass along this experience.


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