Answering Techniques

by PopeOfEruke 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PopeOfEruke

    What was your technique for answering at the WT Study?

    Were you one of the types who waited, sweating silently, till the last or second-last paragraph, then finally put your hand up and hope like crazy they picked someone else? Remember the dry throat?? But at least you could say you put your hand up!

    Or did you like to get it over with early, and then peacefully daydream thru the rest of the meeting?

    Did you have a certain target number say 3 or 4, of attempts to answer? Did you premark paragraphs which you would try to answer, or rather just wing it on the day?


  • Daunt

    I have been successful in not answering a question in the meeting for almost a year. But I just wait till the last one and read the paragraph again like ALL of the people in the congregation do. I never remember somebody actually bringing something new to the study in the answers. Just reading the paragraph exactly like it is, but sometimes you might get the treat of somebody mixing up the other yet still reading the exact same thing in the paragraph.

  • FirstInLine

    I remember when I was about eight or nine I gave an answer. My answer was, "Answering." what a ****ing waste of time.

  • FirstInLine

    I was a smart kid, really smart. I knew everything. But the Watchower and the bible were so boring, so boring that I could not come up with a logical answer to any of the bs they were talking about. My strategy was to go to the bathroom and leave my answer there.

  • katiekitten

    I used to love answer up (sorry)

    KK of the "liked the sound of my own voice" class

  • Ellie

    As an adult I never actually answered at the Watchtower study although I had a lot of pressure on me to do so.

    I did used to answer at the book study though, mainly just reading scriptures and hopeing like hell that I'd got the right scripture.

  • vitty

    Ellie, like you I never answered in the WT, nobody said anything to me. I think it was because I answered a lot during the book study. I just hated hearing my voice through the mike.

  • thom

    I didn't like answering, but I did it. Always hoped he'd call on me the first time so I wouldn't have to raise my hand later. Then of course the next answer would be the same as mine, just reworded.
    One sister used to answer and just say what she thought should be brought out, nothing to do with the question. I learned to never call on her during the service meeting (only Q/A parts I gave) even though she'd always have her hand up before the question was asked, and also while other people were answering.

  • luna2

    I started out participating, and I wouldn't just read back the paragraph...not that I added any great insights, but at least I was able to change up the words a bit. Over time, I stopped bothering with it...I didn't like talking into microphones and I didn't like waving my hand around trying to get the attention of the study conductor. It didn't matter much if you'd prepared because most of the "study" was taken up listening to the material being read outloud anyhow.

    I had one elder who used to rag on me for not answering...he kept telling me to just read a scripture or something and to set it up with him beforehand. Ugh. What difference did it make? This wasn't really a study or a discussion. Nobody could truly ask questions or actually discuss anything. It was like a kindergarden class, like learning to read by repetition....or a brainwashing session (not that I realized that so much at the time, it just felt mind numbingly boring).

  • PaulJ

    Like Katie- I liked answering up. I always tried to say something a bit different, or mention something not in the paragraph. I liked being a smart-arse. How sad is that???

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