And the tree fell

by startingover 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • RunningMan

    I checked the link about the Chinese ships. You appear to be basing your arguement on a poorly documented legend of big Chinese ships. This legend appears to be about as reputable as the Noah legend.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Extra-terrestrials? They've been credited with building the Piramids, so why not the ark?

  • Eric


    It is time to look under "Tree Services" in your local Yellow Pages.

    I don't have the foggiest clue what Noah did, but I climb trees for a living. If half your tree split out and headed for the road, the remaining half may not be sound and (impossible to say without pictures) could be headed for your house.

    With almost any company I've worked for, estimates are free.

    An immediate big positive in the company's favour is if the estimator FIRST looks at what it would take to save the tree, make it safe, not just give a price to demo it. Saving it may be impossible, but it should be the the goal of any reputable tree company.

    Don't hire the cheapest company if they seem like hacks! I've seen more damage done to a property by know-nothing bucko-with-a-truck-and-a-chainsaw than I care to mention. A proper tree pruning or total removal should not even bust a sprinkler head or divot your lawn.

    But get the tree looked at.

    If you would like more of my opinion on your tree or the estimates you get, you may PM me.


  • joelbear

    of course at the same time he was building the ark, he was preaching to the entire inhabited earth.

  • potleg

    Seems to me that someone exagerated the size of the ark and underestimated the size of the whole inhabited earth. Looks like a case for the mythbusters.

  • startingover


    Thanks for the input. The tree is actually not that big and not that close to the house. There are only about 2 branches left. I can easily cut them down without any danger.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Here's the question:

    "... why didn't he just make all of the bad people miraculously wake up dead? It would have saved a lot of work, and a bunch of innocent animal lives."

    Here's the answer:

    C'mon runningman, if we didnt have the Ark or the Flood we wouldn't have Rainbows. Without rainbows we wouldn't have Skittles. God couldn't let that happen!


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