From our Readers - re Infertility

by Bumble Bee 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    This made me sick when I read it!

    It's from the Awake July 8/05, the second response.

    "My husband and I have tried to have children since shortly after our wedding. Now, years later, we are faced with the issues described in this series. It is truly uplifing to know that Jehovah provides food at the proper time. It was-and is-very hard to be told that you cannot have a child. But through research and through this article, I have been helped to draw comfort from the fact that we are not alone. We count it a true blessing that we can devote our time to serving Jehovah fully."

    I have to wonder if they could have a child if they went through IVF. It's so sad when peoples lives are dictated to by a controlling cult!


  • lucky

    Is ivf wrong for witnesses?

  • z

    I'm gonna vomit

  • Nellie

    The last counsel I remember hearing about IVF is that as long as it's the husband's sperm and the wife's egg, it's okay. No surrogacy though!

  • orion

    what about adopting....but then again the poor adopted child would have to be raised JW

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    apparently im still 12, but what's IVF???

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Invitro Fertilization I belive.

  • gringojj

    I saw that too and my wife was appalled by it. I mean waiting until the new system for kids is bad enough, now if you really want kids but for some reason you cant, then you are better off. Double puke.

  • Scully

    IVF is ok for JWs, but only when the ova and sperm are from the married couple, and provided that the nutrient medium that is used to perform the IVF does not utilize blood products (doesn't happen anymore to the best of my knowledge).

    Sad to say, but these procedures are extremely expensive, and unless a JW has excellent health benefits, it's probably out of their league. Besides, the WTS can always use the money instead toward the World Wide Work™...

    Now these nice people who really wanted a family will have to be satisfied with plugging along trying to find recruits for the Organization. Hopefully, now that they've stopped worrying about and getting all stressed out over getting pregnant, nature will do what it often does and give them a "gift" in 9 months or so.

  • Elsewhere
    "My husband and I have tried to have children since shortly after our wedding. Now, years later, we are faced with the issues described in this series. It is truly uplifing to know that Jehovah provides food at the proper time. It was-and is-very hard to be told that you cannot have a child. But through research and through this article, I have been helped to draw comfort from the fact that we are not alone. We count it a true blessing that we can devote our time to serving Jehovah fully."

    Translation: Thank you for restricting our medical options to the point that we have absolutely no hope of ever having a child. Despite being screwed over by you we are still going to believe that sometime in the future your invisible friend will allow us to live forever in a paradise where we will still be denied the right to ever have a child. In the mean time we will continue to serve you and your invisible friend until we either die of exhaustion or your invisible friend finally comes through with its promise of an eternity without children.

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