Mental Health Help and Congregational Support....

by riotgirlpeeps 1 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • riotgirlpeeps

    So part of my past and history is this, at the age of 5 my brother and I went to live with my moms best friend, and my sisters went to live elsewhere, my parents had both had mental breakdowns.

    My dad was getting treatment for his depression and the Elders came to visit him. The actually told him that they were there to get him out, he refused because he knew he needed the help.

    This is 20+ years ago now, and my family was one of the "bad" ones in the hall for that reason, among other things. I know now the society has changed its stance in some watchtowers mentioning that sometimes outside help is needed though there is still a HUGE stigma when people learn you have sought help, at least around where I live.

    The ironic thing is my parents went to therapy for years as well, and when one of my sisters went to therapy and became stronger, she left the JW's my parents still blame that pyschologist. The best of my understanding since both of my parents came from highly abusive families (as well as bringing those traits into our family until they got help) is that they need the structure the acceptence of some organization, because it makes it simple for this is wrong this is good.

    I was wondering has anyone else had similar experiences with the Elders meddling in the pursuit of mental health, what was the side effects?

  • rebel8

    I remember a sista getting inpatient care for severe depression. The elders met with the hospital staff with their bibles to tell them what they were supposedly doing wrong. The psychologist allegedly told her it's her religion that's the problem. She ended up leaving the borg. Good for her.

    After I left the dubs myself, I became a psych social worker and saw that whole scenario repeat itself, except it was worse. JWs in for depression or post-rape/post-child molestation treatment, elders threatening them with DFing because their disclosures to the hospital staff were bringing reproach on J......then there was the elder who was the rapist himself and was telling the victim she must forgive.......lots of stories.

    Yes it is very true that they interfere with psych treatment.

    If you go to the quotes site and search for depression and similar keywords, you can read it in their own literature. It's really wacky. There is also a folder in this forum devoted to this topic--lots of stories there.

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