Russell not founder of JW's

by orion 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    But Russell was the founder of the WTS which is still closely associated with the JWs not the Bible Students. It is true that the Bible Students are the keeper of Russell's doctrine, little of which remains in the WTS of the JWs.


  • greendawn

    The revolution devours its fathers, probably soon Knorr and Franz would be liable for expulsion for their beliefs if they were still alive.

  • Ticker

    It doesn't matter whether they still hold Russells teachings, their current doctrine is based off of an evolvement of Russellic doctrines. They still hold tight to the 1914 Christs invisible presence which is one of Russells prevalent interpretations. I would even say that the JW not only have decended from Russel but also greatly from the teachings of the Adventist's, in which Russell was at one time an active member. Time doctrines of the JW's were a result of enhancing upon Adventists chronology.

    Myself I would view the JW's beginning as being a sect following the teachings and interpretations of a Man, clearly that man at first was Russell.


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