Jehovah Witnesses in the News

by Legolas 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legolas

    I just got this new 'news' in my email ( I have Google alert for Jehovah Witness )

  • BrendaCloutier

    Can you say "alienation of affection"? Good. I knew you could.

    Damned Witchtower.

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    and how does it make you feel legolas?

  • Legolas

    In a new york bethel minute I don't fully understand your question? How does it make you feel?

  • greendawn

    They don't have any well trained leaders as all serious religions do and it shows in the rough way that they treat dubs that have problems, they are all very amateurish from the GB down. Those JCs especially are a disaster.

  • Mary
    "...My father was a hardworking man who was excommunicated from the organization because he would not give up his weekends with his family to Pioneer for them...."

    What the hell?? That doesn't make any sense........I've never heard of anyone being DF'd because they refused to pioneer.......something else must've happened.

    But for the poor elderly sister that was forced to choose between Paradise in the New System or her evil worldly family.......can you FEEL the agape love in this religion? They're right about one thing: there's no other religion like them.

  • Elsewhere

    I noticed another article listed at the end:

    Church not liable in abuse
    Victims lose Jehovah's Witness sex assault case
  • delilah

    I agree with Mary, in that there must have been another reason for him being DF'd, and the thing about the grandmother going to the new world, meaning heaven, didn't sit right with me either. JW's don't believe they are going to heaven,they believe the new system will be right here on earth....However, the organization is doing their best to promote themselves, at the expense of the family unit....yet another fine display of GODLY LOVE.....


    It doesnt make me feel one way or another, nothing they do surprises me anymore. Self righteous people, cant wait till they find out that they do get things wrong afterall!

  • Panda

    Else, That just makes me sick sick sick... How do we explain what its like to be a member of the cult? Those judges just don't get it. They haven't a clue what that family went through, the mind games played by elders who are only too happy to give rote council "be a better wife" ARRRGGGGH...

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