what's a boy to do?

by jonjonsimons 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Latte


    {{{{{Hugs to you guy}}}}}

    Where I live the policy was to leave alone doors that had similar stickers to the one JanH was showing. A sticker is pretty effective I think, as many a time I would accidently knock on a do-not-call and pray like mad that they would not answer!!

    I hope that you are not bothered again.

    Take care


  • seven006

    I had an experience back in my door knocking days that made a strong impact on me and kept the rest of our congregation form ever coming back to this particular home. As I was standing at this guys front door and was a few seconds into my robot speech the guy stopped me and asked what it would take to have all us stupid JW's stop coming to his door. It stunned me for a few second and as I was about to ask him why he asked for the copy of the watchtower I had in my hand. He then walked over to a desk in his living room and grabbed a hunting knife. My service partner and I took a few steps back as the guy stepped out of his front door and held the watchtower up to the door molding outside his house. He then took the knife and stabbed the poor unsuspecting watchtower a few times and then stuck it to the molding with the knife. He looked at me and said "do you think you got the idea now pal?" I smiled at him and said "yep, loud and clear".

    I found this guys message to be a very strong one and I made sure everyone else knew of his wishes. If you are not afraid to have a knife sticking out on the side of your front door and have your neighbors think you are some kind of paper hater you might want to try the knife in the watchtower trick.
    It worked for me.


  • Billygoat

    Bwahaha! Seven - I love your story! Hahaha!

    I do remember a couple of old geezers coming to the doors with shotguns when I lived my short stint in Missouri. Stupid elders still sent us back!

    Jonjon - I'm so sorry about your mother! I'll pray for comfort and healing for you! I wish I knew what else to say...


  • Kat_

    First off:
    So terribly sorry to hear about your Mother. I am sorry, that's all I can say.

    My Question:
    Is it illegal for JW's to knock on apartment doors? I was wondering that because, since moving into an apartment a few years ago, I haven't once been 'knocked on'. I've sinced moved again, to another apartment, and still, no knocking. I am VERY thankful for this because I don't feel I have the guts to tell them to leave me alone in no uncertain terms (I've always been a passive type who never liked to speak strongly to anybody--perhaps that's why I hated door-to-door??? :-). Nor do I have the knowledge to intelligently debate with them over the Bible. I am still at that vulnerable "am I doing the right thing?" stage and fear that God forbid they come to the door, I'd become a sap and start getting sucked in again. This is one of the reasons that I am keeping hush-hush to my JW family about this; I fear they'd send the cavalry quicker than a blink to 'save me'...knowing them they'd call a local cong. and ask them to send a 'sister' to me...yikes. So, does anyone know if apartment knocking is done? I'd like to be prepared in some way should they come here....like not be home.


  • Tina

    (((((((((((((jan)))))))))))))))Hey there!
    Thanks for sharing that link with jonjon. I have that sticker on my door! All one has to do is take a marker and fill in the cross-Presto Looks like JW's luv,T

  • bluesapphire

    I wish I could get a sticker made that says, "No Watchtower Society Slaves, Please"

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