Could someone post the May 15 1984 Watchtower articles ???

by run dont walk 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    A Witnesss' biggest fear is that the Watch Tower Society will be proved wrong. That's why they all clap when the Society changes an error and delivers a new explanation of the old explanation to believe. They don't want the Society to be wrong, that's why facts and evidence won't affect them and that's why they avoid us and shun us. They WANT to be Witnesses. They LIKE being Witnesses.

    I like them being Witnesses, so everybody's happy on my side of the street.

    exactly gary, They just like being Witnesses and the Watchtower cannot be wrong !!!!!!!!!!

    my sister even had the nerve to say about this article that :

    "well the Society said contempories , and said a generation could be 120 years."

    I love the phrase "like a horse with blinders on" , some think this article proves the Watchtower was right all along, they only read what they want to believe.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    don't have the copies but I must ask, how long has your brother been a witness? Is he your elder brother or your brother an elder? I am amazed when I hear stories of how someone doesn't believe the 1914 teaching changed.

    That's all most of us talked about, the advancing age of the generation of 1914. How old would they be now and when would they die off. I mean come on, we all knew that the 1914 generation was our one sure way of calculating that the end was near. The other signs can be sort of up and down, but not old age - it's a one way trip.

    You should show your brother how the age of the generation changed over time as well. At first you had to be an adult in 1914 to understand what happened; then it slowly became that even a 1914 baby could be counted in that generation. When even that wasn't working the entire doctrine went away.

    A true blue dub will say that the teaching was used by Jehovah to help us (dubs) even though we don't understand it.

    hes been a witness all his life, in his forties now, he's likes to say that too much was read into it, and that the Society does make mistakes, but always admits to it, not like the Catholic church, god i hate it when he says that. He says that the 1914 generation idea is correct, but that the body sometimes doesn't understand the full meaning of the term generation, he will say we are always learning new things, and we are definitely in the last days, so the Society will make some MINOR mistakes but always corrects them.

    Anyone have a bucket to throw up in.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    WDR -

    Your brother must be pretty young not to know that the organization taught the '1914 Generation'. It was one of the things that really bothered me - not so much the change in thinking - as a witness you get used to that I guess - but that no one but me seemed to be bothered that we had spent our whole lives lying to people on this subject - then we just change it with a few paragraphs in a 1995 Watchtower and go on! All onlookers knew we were just covering our asses, I could see it too, but they never blinked!


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