Do your ears "hear" things?

by LouBelle 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • dh

    if i sleep on my back i hear screaming.

  • LouBelle

    And on your stomach you hear??

  • greendawn

    I also occasionally get tinnitus ringing in the ears after I had a bad knock on the head.

  • delilah

    Twice this past week, while busy cleaning, I "heard" one of my boys call,"MOM" I went looking for them, to see what they wanted, nobody had called me.... But, it's also a common occurrance in my old house, to hear things, especially at night, when everyone's asleep...... Ask Mary, she'll tell ya.....


  • misanthropic

    When I used to do alot of drugs and had been up for days and days, I would hear my name being called out and if I was taking a shower I would feel cool air, like it was being blown into my ear. I think that was mainly from sleep depravation though?

  • PopeOfEruke

    Hey Welcome Misanthropic. And I win 100 points for being the first to spot a newbie - great!

    If only I could cash the points in for something - oh well......

    I hear a low droning constant moaning sound - and the funny thing is, I only hear it when the wife is home.


  • delilah

    LOL @ POPE......I picked up a seashell the other day at my brother's house....i heard the sea...does that count?

  • frankiespeakin

    I have constant ringing in my ears very very high pitched, it don't bother me but just a little,,I must have had it since i was a kid of 11 or so,,because I would read books for hours until I new how to make explosives,,and in the process of making some large firecrakers I have had the fusses go off really quick and had my ears ringing for days. Never blown off any fingers but came pretty dam close, my hand where just the right distance to get a little smashed up and burnt but no missing fingers.

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