Marriage Proposal: See Publisher Record Card First?

by Englishman 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna2

    I wasn't a dub when I got married, but I don't think this would have ever occurred to me. I was a romantic. Which kind of explains why I was seduced by the WTS and didn't even go looking for reasons not to get in bed with them. They wanted me, they said they loved me, they treated me nice and they promised me we'd be together forever...I was in lurve. Too bad I didn't check out the organization's "card", huh?

  • Es

    My friends father was like this and even mine to a degree, i remember my dad ringing the elders of my ex hubbys congo to find out more about them, Its quite obvious you shouldnt marry for love but rather by how much that person does in the truth, how pathetic es

  • freedom96

    I never heard about being able to look at someones cards for themselves, but I many times heard people talking about the spirituality of someone else that they were interested in, and using that as a gauge on whether or not they would pursue them or not.

  • EvilForce

    I guess this is the problem you encounter when as a religion you preach "works based faith". Sick!

  • purplesofa

    So thats why ..........Sister OutinServiceEveryDay on her sixth marriage.......and I could never find a mate............she had a good publisher card.........

    OOOOOOOOOHhhhhhhhhhhh NOW I GET IT!!!!!


  • zulukai

    Scully..LOL and roll on the floor..that was priceless!! And ain't it the truth!!!

  • TheListener

    I reviewed the publisher record card prior to proposal. Spouse did so as well. Also had conversations with each other's local body of elders.

    All the strong ones do it :)

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